Thursday, February 27, 2025




Thursday, February 24, 1955   Vol. C361



East Farewell – After almost a month a temperatures well below freezing the daily temperature for the last week has been an almost balmy 34°. The sun has been shinning and the wind has been low. The mountains of piled up snow have started to shrink, slightly but shrink never the less. People have started walking outside for more than only needed trips and the Lakefront Plaza has once again seen people meeting and spending time on the plaza. The warming trend has had a down side for some, with the consistent warm temperatures the surface of Lake Charles has become unstable causing skating and fishing to be curtailed much to the dismay of many.

“We all knew it was going to warm up sometime, we just didn’t expect it until at least March,” lamented former ice fisherman, Bernie Talent. Many others have said much to same but all have been resigned to the fact of nature and say it was fun while it lasted, but it is time to move on.

The warmer weather may not last, though there is still about a month left in winter and this has been an unusually cold winter by any standard. Temperatures will most likely dip back down and another cold stretch is not out of the question. Most people would not mind a quick end to the winter, even the ice fishermen would not mind getting back in their boats and get out on the lake and do some casting.

Another inconvenience the melting creates is the runoff that streams down the gutters and eventually ends up in the lake. This has many concerned about the pollution that the runoff carries. Usually there is not much concern because it is never very significant and the Lake can absorb it, but this year it presents a much higher volume and this has many concerned. The Town Council has taken a look at the situation and is expected to present some alternative to the problem. One would be to truck most of the snow back into the woods and dump it and let the natural melt occur and have the ground absorb the runoff. Other ideas include trying to filter the runoff or section off part of the lake and contain the runoff there. The Council will make a report within the next two weeks. Of course this may be a mute point if the weather gets cold again and also if the weather gradually warms and the snow melts and evaporates at a slower pace. This would be the most desired solution.

Main Street Snow Fun



Corning- The Corning Devils showed why they are the league leaders on Wednesday, squeaking by the Cougars with a last minute inbounds play that looked like it was taken from a top level college playbook. The game had gone back and forth with each team falling five points behind and each team battling back to tie it up and then move back in front. The Cougars were looking to upset the Devils like they had early in the season but it was not to be. The Devils have been playing very well winning their last six by convincing margins. The Cougars have won their last four and have beaten the Devils earlier. 

The game started off fast with both teams running and scoring. The score was 14-12 Devils within the first seven minutes. Both teams settled down and defense took over and the first half ended 24-20 Devils. The second half was much more defensive with Cougars center, Michael Watson, fighting a very tough inside game with stand out Devils center, Joe Ladd. The fight ended in a draw with both centers scoring 8 points and Watson collecting 16 rebounds to Ladd’s 18. The back court played extremely well with Green and Welch running the show and Welch almost making a game winning bucket at the end of the game. The Cougars other forward, Billy Reilly contributed 13 points in a very good game.

 The clock was winding down with 33 seconds left and the Cougars had just gained the lead, 37-36, on a wonderful driving layup by Joey Welch. The second upset looked like it was in the making. A very composed Devils team set up for the inbounds and inbounded against a tight Cougars press. Then Devils Coach Rollins called a timeout. This brought the ball in bounds to half court with 29 seconds left. The Devils set up and executed a perfect double pick and roll in bounds with guard, Bobby Thompson darting off the pick underneath to receive a perfect pass from center Ladd. Thompson was able to lay it up with 8 seconds left and score. The Cougars tried a fast inbounds with Joey Welch trying a makeable outside shot at the buzzer that rattled around and fell out. The Devils fans went wild

“This was a disappointing loss but we tried and came up just one point short. We are going to learn from this one and we will get them next time,” said Coach Wilson after the game. The Cougars come home next week to face the Wildcats from Riverview. The game begins at 4:30 in the Regional High Gymnasium.   



The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee recommends confirmation of for former Governor Earl Warren to be Chief Justice of the U.S. Visiting Palm Springs, President Eisenhower hails Warren as “one of the finest public servants this country has produced.” 

In Palm Springs for a little business and rest, President Eisenhower plays a round of golf with pro Ben Hogan. 

In a freak car accident - 4 die in a head-on car crash, with the cars driven by a father and his son. Charles Garrison of Burbank, OH was en route to visit his father Willard about 12 miles away, when both cars collided on the crest of a knoll. Garrison’s wife and sister were also killed. The crashed injured 5 children.

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of the East Farewell News.


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