Friday, September 20, 2024




Thursday, September 16, 1954   Vol. C481



East Farewell – School doors opened for all the Regional Township schools on Wednesday, September 8th. All grades started but there was a staggered schedule for the openings. The Senior High opened first at 8:00 AM followed by the Junior High at 8:30 and finally the Elementary School at 9:00. This was to accommodate the various bus routes and in the case of the elementary school first day apprehension from the youngest students causing a bottleneck at the school entrance where reluctant young students had trouble parting from their parents. Luckily for everyone the teaching staff was both trained and willing to help the youngsters start their academic career.

            The student body for all the schools is the largest ever. There has been a 10% increase in enrollment from last year. The school board anticipated the increase and expects the student body to continue to increase every year until the national “baby boom” subsides. No one has given any numbers on that, yet.  A new school was built in 1952, separating the Junior High School from the High School and a new elementary school is planned for next year.

            A short assembly took place in both the Senior and Junior High schools where principals Owen Prescott and William Baxter, respectively, greeted the students and laid out a brief summary of the school’s yearly agenda. Everyone was well behaved and attentive and after the ceremony proceeded to their homerooms to start another memorable school year.

Regional High School




Slate Mountain – The Travelers and the Miners have no love lost between them. They have been arch-rivals for many years. The rivalry started with the high schools and as many of the students stayed in town and became members of the community the rivalry expanded to a town wide thing, sweeping the beloved baseball teams into the mayhem. The rivalry intensified this year as both the Travelers and the Miners were vying for a top place in the baseball league. It came down to the last game of the season. If the Travelers won, they could possibly tie for the league championship. If the Miners won, they would have sole possession of second place, completing a near miraculous comeback from the bottom of the league the year before. The stage was set. Joe Nagy was on the mound for the Travelers and Miner’s ace, Mac Mahoney was pitching for the Miners. The weather was beautiful, cool but sunny. The stands were packed with fans from both sides. Both teams were excited.

            The pitchers started off strong and it looked like it was going to be a pitchers’ duel. Both aces retired the opposing side in the first, all strike outs. In the second the Travelers started to hit, Johnny Cloos led off with a double and Tony Dinero bunted him to third. Joey Brown swatted a single that scored Cloos. Mahoney settled down but let in another run before striking out Davey Franks. When the Miners came up they answered back with their own hitting display and scored 3 runs to take the lead. The game went back and forth with each team scoring then the other answering in kind. The defense wasn’t sloppy, and the pitching wasn’t all that bad but both teams were hitting well placed balls, and they were running the bases very smartly. By the

top of the ninth the game was tied at 11. Johnny Cloos came up with one out and no one on. He had faced Mahoney four times so far and had a double, a walk, a ground out and a strikeout. Mahoney tried to blow his fast ball by Cloos again, but Cloos was ready and on the second pitch connected with a towering drive over the center field fence for his 29th home run of the season. The Traveler fans went wild. Mahoney went on the get Dimero and Brown out and the Miners came up one run behind in the bottom of the ninth. Joe Nagy dug deep and started to work. He was able to get Fields to ground out. Then he got Reynolds to pop up with Watson making the play. The Miners sent up a pinch hitter, Jose Diamond. He took Nagy to a 3-2 and fouled off an astonishing seven balls before he hit a shot towards short and Dale Dunham made a leaping grab for the line out. It was an exciting end to an exciting game. The Travelers fans were ecstatic, the Miners fans glum. The season ended ironically, with the Travelers and the Miners tied for second place because the Corning Glass Works had won their last three games to capture the title.

            The Travelers will start again next year and try to claim the championship. Hopefully they will have a home field to play on.




 Secretary of State John Dulles tells the world that U.S. military plans call for maintaining in the Western Pacific “powerful naval and air force” capable of striking any aggressor – and that a mighty U.S. force will be guarding the Pacific at all times.

 The United States and Britain call a nine-power parley on West European defense for on or about September 28. They showed determination to bring West Germany into the Atlantic alliance quickly despite French fears.

 President George Meany says the American Federation of Labor will exert every effort in the coming months to bring about unification of the AFL and the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO).

 Rocky Marciano scores a knockout in the 8th round in a bout against Ezzard Charles in New York.


Marilyn Monroe, who jammed New York traffic when she posed for scenes (on Thursday of this week) with her skirt billowing up from a subway draft, is resting at home (in Hollywood) with a cold. Marilyn isn’t blaming the breeze on her cold. She’s just a little overworked.

 KTHE – An educational UHF station operating on Channel 28, suspends transmissions after just nine months on the air. The reason – several factors: financial affairs, plus a wide diversity of opinion among people concerned with the station about how it should be operated and supported.

 MGM Records is putting out the soundtrack album of “Brigadoon” in 78rpm form as well. The record company says many living in rural areas still only have older playback systems.

 Top albums this week

The Student Prince – Mario Lanza

The Glenn Miller Story – Glen Miller

Music, Martinis and Memories – Jackie Gleason

Music For Lover’s Only – Jackie Gleason

Swing Easy – Frank Sinatra

Glenn Miller Story – Movie Soundtrack

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers – Soundtrack

Songs for Young Lovers – Frank Sinatra

Pardon My Blooper Vol. 1 – Kermit Schafer

The Pajama Game – Original Cast

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of the East Farewell News.


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