Thursday, August 8, 2024




Thursday, August 5, 1954   Vol. C475



East Farewell – Many visitors to the Lakefront beach may have thought they had been transported to Hawaii or some other tropical beach on Saturday when they came across a full-fledged pig roast on sands of Lakefront beach. Complete with a rotating spit, a bed of red-hot coals and several natives in traditional gear attending the succulent feast, the whole event was a summer offering put on by Charles Wenz, owner of the Lost Oasis bar and restaurant. He staged the event in honor of the restaurant’s two-year anniversary. The restaurant opened on Main Street in July of 1952 and originally had a mid-eastern, Arabian theme. He even raised some eyebrows by having the waitresses and waiters dress in skimpy Arabian costumes for the opening night. Over time the theme has changed to a more all-American idea and the waitstaff has taken to wearing regular attire.

            “I thought this would be a lot of fun. We have been having some very hot weather lately and our anniversary was in July so, I figured I would throw a big party. What better place than the beach?” said Wentz as he was overseeing the roast, “I thought all the people here could have some fun, eat some great food and enjoy this wonderful town.”

            The pig was ready by early afternoon. It had already been prepped back at the restaurant overnight so there were only some finishing touches and browning that really took place on the spit. Nevertheless, the spit was set up from early morning to evening and the pig was mounted and displayed with great honor. Wentz himself took to carving the roast around 1:00 in the afternoon. Local sweet potatoes and corn along with local applesauce were offered as side dishes. Wentz offered an endless plate for $1. Needless to say he sold out. By 5:00 the pig was gone, only a boney carcass remained on the spit. Much to the delight or horror of many children Wentz cut the head off and placed it on a huge platter at the end of the day.

            Evening rolled in and many folks remained on the beach. A lot of folks from around the lake drove their boats right up on the beach once word got out about the food. Even some canoes were seen beached. It was a great, festive event enjoyed by all.

Charles Wenz with his pig 



Corning – The Travelers went into Corning hoping to tie up the standings as the season comes to a close. They sent Joey Alfred to the mound while CGW (Corning Glass Works) did not send their ace, Bill “Smoke” Black but had the pitcher second in the rotation, Milt Morrison, handle the assignment. This was a fortunate occurrence for the Travelers, they were able to down CGW, 4-1. Alfred was exceptional, allowing only 4 hits, one run and 10 strikeouts. He didn’t walk one batter. Morrison was not as efficient, he let in four runs, the Travelers accumulated 12 hits, two walks and CGW committed two errors.

            The Travelers started early with one run in the first with Dunham doubling and Cloos bringing him home on a lazy single to right. The game went quickly through the middle innings but in the eighth CGW slugger, Dave “Delivers” Mailer, got ahold of one of Alfred’s high fastballs a drove it out of the park tying the game. The tie didn’t last long, in the top of the ninth Joey Brown was able to get on a Texas fielder and Artie Archibald walked. Little Billy Sweet came to bat and took Morrison to a 3-2 count and fouled off 5 balls before Morrison tried to slip a low outside curve by Sweet, but he was ready and connected with a line drive that made it over the fence in left just over the outstretched glove of outfielder, Willie Gant. The Travelers took the lead and Alfred shut down CGW in the bottom of the ninth, one, two three.

With the win the Travelers move into a tie for first place in the league with seven games left.

            The Travelers move on to Mountain View next week where their task does not get any easier. They will play a double header against the Explorers and face pitching ace Joe “Freight” Trane in the first game and Frankie “Cowboy” West in the second. They will face slugger, Bobby “Hammer” Taxen in both. The games begin at 1:05 in Mountainview Stadium.



Less than 48 hours after concluding talks with President Eisenhower, Syngman Rhee declares the Korean Armistice dead. He called on the United States to concur in the ousting of two communist members of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission.

The Senate orders a special committee to investigate Sen. McCarthy and the Communist-hunting methods for which his foes declare he should be censured.

President Eisenhower approves the Housing Act of 1954, calling it “a major advance toward meeting America’s housing needs.” The President had asked for 35,000 public housing units a year for four years. Congress authorized 35,000 units for one year and inserted provisos that make the attainment of the full number doubtful. “We shall need to continue our public housing program until the needs can be met by private industry,” said the President. Also,

“The new law permits the Government to insure larger home mortgage loans, carrying smaller down payments and longer terms. Millions of our families with modest incomes will be able, for the first time, to buy new or used homes. Families will be helped to enlarge or modernize their present homes.”

Dior’s new look de-emphasizes the bust line. A critic of the new look is Italy’s Gina Lollobrigida: “If Dior is worn out from seeing the glorious triumph of something underneath sweaters or suits, then maybe he ought to close his eyes, because they are here to stay.”

Victor Mature is put on suspension by 20th-Century-Fox for refusing to report to work on “Untamed” with Susan Hayward and Tyrone Power. The studio is having its share of trouble with recalcitrant actors. Marilyn Monroe took an extended honeymoon with Joe DiMaggio, rather than do “Pink Tights,” and Marlon Brando took off for New York and his psychiatrist rather than show-up for “The Egyptian.”

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of the East Farewell News.


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