Thursday, August 29, 2024




Thursday, August 26, 1954   Vol. C478



East Farewell - The summer is almost done. The nights are getting longer and the mornings a little darker but that is not stopping anyone from traveling out to partake in the fresh air, beautiful scenery and crisp, clear water of Lake Charles and bucolic East Farewell. A huge influx of late season travelers have taken over the town in the last week as every room for rent has been filled. Many people have taken to doubling up in rooms and many families staying with relatives have been sleeping on sofas and even air mats on the floor. Lots of people have set up camping sites on private lots. One family, the O’Keefe’s, set up their campsite on the family-owned lot right on the lake. “This is really wonderful. The whole family is here. My brother, Arnold, owns the house but he bought the adjacent lot back in ’47. We thought he was crazy, but as it turned out it was genius. We just cleared some brush and set up here. It’s perfect for us. We have two tents, one for the kids and one for us. The whole family eats together out at the picnic table, and we can use the indoor bathrooms when we need to. The dock is where we spend most of out time. This is one of the best vacations I have ever had.”

    O’Keefe’s statement is typical of what is being heard throughout town. The Lakefront Plaza is full as well as the beaches and, of course, the Fun Pier is running all day long and into the night. The restaurants have continued their sidewalk dining, and some have even expanded around the sides of their buildings. Walking down Main Street there is a distinctive feel of a Parisian cafĂ© scene.

    It is expected these crowds will hang on until after Labor Day and the Country Fair and Arts Festival scheduled for Labor Day weekend. “We love to have all these visitors here. They bring excitement to town. I am booked until almost October, which is great for me,” said Mrs. Mallard, local boarding house owner.          

    Given the huge increase in people visiting the traffic on the local streets has not increased as would be expected, it seems the town has a wonderful “walkability” about it and most people can get to where they are going by foot or bicycle. This is just another charming feature about East Farewell.

Crowds gather on Lakefront Plaza



 East Farewell- Joe Nagy came away with a win and was two strikes away from a shut out on Sunday against the Cedar Creek Bulls.  With two outs in the ninth Bulls slugger, Cedrik Jones slammed a home run out of the park.  Nagy recovered and went on the strike out Wilson to end the game.  The Traveler’s defense was the impenetrable and set a league record for turning double plays in a game.  In a spectacular showing, the combination of Dale to Archibald to Watson was completed an unbelievable seven double plays in seven consecutive innings.  With Nagy’s well-placed curve and the vacuum defense, the Bulls didn’t have a chance.

    The Traveler’s scoring was spread out throughout the game starting in the first when Dimero singled and scored on a double by Archibald.  Although Johnny Cloos did not hit a home run in this game, he did have two hits and drove in a run in the fourth.

    Joe Nagy helped himself with a hit in the sixth and was able to score along with Billy Sweet on a two run double by Francis.  The final score came in the ninth on a throwing error by Bulls shortstop Joey Lang allowing Bobby Watson to score from third.

    The Travelers will move back to Corning next week.  Currently they are tied with Corning.  The game will pit Danny Lane against Corning’s ace Bill “Smoke” Black. It will begin at 3:05 in Corning Stadium.



The House votes by a 305-2 margin to outlaw the Communist Party, calling it “an instrumentality of a conspiracy to overthrow the government.”

Brig. Gen. Ralph Zwicker, charged by Sen. McCarthy with being “not fit to wear that uniform,” announces he was being relieved of his command of Camp Kilmer and had been ordered to go to Japan. 

President Eisenhower nominated Herbert Hoover Jr. as Undersecretary of State to succeed Walter Smith. The Senate quickly confirmed Hoover.

The United States charges the Chinese Communists are holding 15 US Air Force fliers as political prisoners and hostages in an effort to help force Red China’s admission to the United Nations. 

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Thursday, August 22, 2024




Thursday, August 19, 1954   Vol. C477



East Farewell – A summer heat wave has many locals and visitors alike diving into Lake Charles for relief. The temperatures have reached an almost unheard of 95 degrees and a very high humidity, almost 78%. The uncomfortable conditions have been brought on by a stalled high front that has settled over the entire region. The only relief, aside from the air-conditioned movie palace, is the refreshing waters of Lake Charles. People filled the Lakefront beach from early morning to after sunset. The lifeguard station has added a second stand to help with safety. All around the lake people can be found swimming off docks, wading in from private beaches and even purposely falling off small boats and out of canoes in the middle of the lake.

            “I can’t remember it being this bad,” said Mrs. Mallard, local boarding house owner, “My renters have been spending all day at the beach. Some are coming back with really bad sunburn. That is very unusual for this part of the country. You usually only here of that at the seashore.”

            Sunburn threat begone, the folks are throwing caution to the wind and heading for the lake. The hot weather is expected to last for at least the rest of the week and possibly well into next week. Try to stay cool.

Lake Charles beach scene



East Farewell – The Travelers came home for a change and reveled in their hometown adoration by smashing the Riverview Anglers, 10-1. The makeshift ballpark was very conducive to the Travelers big bats, and they let it be known that the shorter walls were no challenge for Cloos, Watson and Artie Archibald.

            The Travelers jumped right on Anglers pitcher, Bart Dresher, when leadoff batter Ralph Francis poked a double into center on the first pitch. Dunham then walked and Bobby Watson started the homerun derby with a long, long bomb over the center field fence. The first three batters made the score 3-0 Travelers. Dresher was able to get out of the inning without any further damage but that was only portending what was to come. As the game went on the Travelers scored 2 more in the third with a two-run homer by Johnnie Cloos and the erupted in the sixth with five runs, including two home runs by Archibald and a second by Cloos.

            Traveler’s pitcher, Billy Green did an excellent job of keeping the Anglers off the bases. He struck out 11 and only allowed one run, a homer in the seventh by Angler slugger, Matt Renolds. He only walked three and allowed only four hits.

            The Travelers will stay at home for next week’s game against the Cedar Creek Cubs. The Travelers are currently tied with Corning in the league standings and have a chance to move into first place, alone, with a win over the Cubs and a loss by CGW. The game begins at 1:05 on the ballfield.



The Defense Department announced it will shift four divisions from Korea to other areas “where it is believed they will better serve the strategic interest of the United States.

U.S. officials say many more “Rastvorovlike” former Russian spies who broke with their Kremlin masters will be produced soon to tell their stories.

More than 700 rioting convicts touch off a $1 million first at Kingston (Ont) penitentiary in an escape attempt.

Susan Hayes – a laboratory technician, who admitted intimacies with Dr. Sheppard, spent 39 minutes before the grand jury. Later, Dr Samuel H. Sheppard was indicted by the county grand jury for the murder of his wife Marilyn and was rearrested at the home of his father, Dr. Richard Sheppard.

Look out – 19-year-old Brigitte Bardot has already made 5 movies. Her husband is Russian-born screenwriter, someone who calls himself “Vadim.” Her latest picture is “Helen of Troy” in which she plays the secondary feminine lead as a slave girl. Ms. Bardot was a model at 12, a dancer at 14, a movie actress at 16. Her father is said to be wealthy.

Lillian Gish returns to Hollywood for her first picture in 8 years. 

RCA Victor’s hillbilly artists converge in New York for recording sessions and TV guest shots. They are Eddy Arnold, Davis Sisters, Chet Atkins, Stuart Hamblen and Rita Robbins, who were just added to the label.


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Thursday, August 15, 2024




Thursday, August 12, 1954   Vol. C476



East Farewell – The town of  East Farewell is surrounded by old growth forests and the timber industry was thriving before the town was founded back in 1902. The Smith Mill, located on the Big Lenape Creek which feeds Lake Charles, has been in operation since the early 1800s. Several Lumber companies have come and gone in that time, but the Smith Mill has remained in family hands and is now run by the grandson of the founder. Adam Smith took over the mill operation from his father, Clark, who ran the business since the early part of the century. Adam is an expert in creating architectural lumber for home buildings and the like, but he is also a bit of an artist. He has been able to cut some old growth lumber in ways that can be turned into beautiful tables, countertops and even headboards. Many of the craftsmen and women in town have taken his cuttings and produced magnificent furniture. Even the two luthiers in town, John Getz Mayer and James O’Connor who work together at “String You Along” on Lake Shore Drive, have used some of Smith’s aged wood to produce beautiful guitars, ukuleles and even some violins. “The wood Adam sells us is a notch above anything else. It is tone wood of the highest quality,” said O’Conner when display one of his creations, “You just can’t find wood like this anywhere else. It is already aged so that brings out the tone of the guitar immediately. Normally, you would have to let the guitar age on its own to achieve this tone. It is just magnificent.”

            East Farewell has a growing artistic community, and many new and aspiring artists are drawn to the town’s open, somewhat bohemian attitudes. A lot of these artists and craftsmen and women have opened quaint shops along Lakeshore Drive and show some of the most beautiful work in the state. A custom furniture maker, Walter Bradford, just opened his shop at the end of Lakeshore Drive and is using some of Smith’s cuttings to make chairs, tables and armoires. “I’m new in town, only open for about six months, but everyone here has been very welcoming, and they have really helped me out getting started,” said Bradford as he showed off a beautiful chest of drawers he had just completed.

            Some of the treasures of East Farewell are in plain sight. A stroll down Lakeshore Drive will confirm that. The artists and craftspeople will gladly engage you and show you their creations. You may even find a one-of-a-kind piece of art disguised as a coffee table.

Clark & Adam Smith along with other workers at Smith  Mill 



Mountain View – The Travelers went into Mountain View hoping to pull ahead of CGW in the first place standing but they had to settle for remaining tied as they split the double header with the Explorers. The Explorers made a sudden and surprising pitching change right before the game. Instead of their ace Joe “Freight” Trane taking the mound in a much-heralded matchup with Travelers ace, Joe Nagy, He moved Trane back to the second game. Explorers’ manager, Gus Delong, put a rookie, Willie Marker, out on the mound. The Travelers took advantage of the switch and jumped on Maker early, scoring six runs in the first three innings. The entire batting order batted around in the third and they scored three times in the third. Surprisingly, they did not hit any home runs, but they ended up with four doubles and seven singles. Marker only walked three batters and seemed to settle down in the late innings. Nagy was unhittable in the first eight innings and then Explorer slugger, Bobby “Hammer” Taxen started to come alive. After a lazy single by Fred Dunn and the only Nagy walk to Robinson, Taxen took Nagy to a 3-2 count and fouled off five balls before placing a perfect corner shot in right field. Dimero was able to corral the ball and get it towards home but both Dunn and Robinson scored. That was the only Explorer scoring in the first game and the Travelers won, 6-2.

            In the second game, Trane took command and Taxen gave him all the support he needed. The Travelers were unable to get any hits against Trane until the fifth inning. Even then they only managed a double by Cloos, who was left stranded. They did get two more hits in the late innings but did not score. Joe “Freight” Trane lived up to his name and plowed through Traveler hitters, striking out 12 and not walking any. Meanwhile, Bobby “Hammer” Taxen continued his tear and smacked a 2 run homer in the fourth and an insurance double scoring Gerber for a convincing Explorer win, 3-0.

            The Travelers come home for a late season home stand the next two weeks. The substitute ball field has been groomed and the stands have been reenforced to accommodate the fans so things should be playable. Next week’s game hosts the Riverview Anglers and begins at 1:05 in the afternoon.



The FBI announces the arrest in Denver and Los Angeles of five Communist Party leaders. Director J. Edgar Hoover said all five had been arrested in connection with charges of violating the Smith Act. That law, under which dozens of party officials have already been convicted, makes it a crime to teach or advocate the forcible overthrow of the U.S. government. One of those arrested was Arthur Bary, chairman of the Colorado Communist Party.

The 8-year Indo-China war formally ends over nearly 56,000 square miles of central Vietnam. The shooting officially stopped under terms of the progressive cease-fire accord signed at Geneva last month. French Union forces were ordered to hold their positions and not fire unless attacked.

Worst single car death toll in history - Eleven persons trapped in the flames of their overturned 1941 automobile, die on Pine Mountain (Kentucky) in the worst single-car tragedy in the National Safety Council records (so far).

Maurice Chevalier, French music and film star, is granted permission to enter the United States in an apparent change of mind by the State Department. Chevalier says he was having trouble because a while ago he signed the Communist-inspired Stockholm peace petition, and the State Department wasn’t too happy. He had made singing tours of the United States in 1946 and 1947 but was not allowed to come back the following year or since. A Hollywood movie based on his life, reportedly starring Danny Kaye – was called off because of his visa troubles.

At the movies –

Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window – James Stewart

Seven Brides for Seven Brothers – Jane Powell, Howard Keel

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe – Dan O’Herlihy

Magnificent Obsession – Jane Wyman, Rock Hudson, Barbara Rush

The Siege At Red River – Van Johnson, Joanne Dru

Gorilla At Large – Cameron Mitchell, Ann Bancroft

Elephant Walk – Elizabeth Taylor, Dana Andrews

Hell’s Half Acre – Wendell Corey, Evelyn Keyes

Johnny Guitar –Joan Crawford, Sterling Hayden

Living It Up – Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis

Apache – Burt Lancaster

The High and the Mighty – John Wayne

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Thursday, August 8, 2024




Thursday, August 5, 1954   Vol. C475



East Farewell – Many visitors to the Lakefront beach may have thought they had been transported to Hawaii or some other tropical beach on Saturday when they came across a full-fledged pig roast on sands of Lakefront beach. Complete with a rotating spit, a bed of red-hot coals and several natives in traditional gear attending the succulent feast, the whole event was a summer offering put on by Charles Wenz, owner of the Lost Oasis bar and restaurant. He staged the event in honor of the restaurant’s two-year anniversary. The restaurant opened on Main Street in July of 1952 and originally had a mid-eastern, Arabian theme. He even raised some eyebrows by having the waitresses and waiters dress in skimpy Arabian costumes for the opening night. Over time the theme has changed to a more all-American idea and the waitstaff has taken to wearing regular attire.

            “I thought this would be a lot of fun. We have been having some very hot weather lately and our anniversary was in July so, I figured I would throw a big party. What better place than the beach?” said Wentz as he was overseeing the roast, “I thought all the people here could have some fun, eat some great food and enjoy this wonderful town.”

            The pig was ready by early afternoon. It had already been prepped back at the restaurant overnight so there were only some finishing touches and browning that really took place on the spit. Nevertheless, the spit was set up from early morning to evening and the pig was mounted and displayed with great honor. Wentz himself took to carving the roast around 1:00 in the afternoon. Local sweet potatoes and corn along with local applesauce were offered as side dishes. Wentz offered an endless plate for $1. Needless to say he sold out. By 5:00 the pig was gone, only a boney carcass remained on the spit. Much to the delight or horror of many children Wentz cut the head off and placed it on a huge platter at the end of the day.

            Evening rolled in and many folks remained on the beach. A lot of folks from around the lake drove their boats right up on the beach once word got out about the food. Even some canoes were seen beached. It was a great, festive event enjoyed by all.

Charles Wenz with his pig 



Corning – The Travelers went into Corning hoping to tie up the standings as the season comes to a close. They sent Joey Alfred to the mound while CGW (Corning Glass Works) did not send their ace, Bill “Smoke” Black but had the pitcher second in the rotation, Milt Morrison, handle the assignment. This was a fortunate occurrence for the Travelers, they were able to down CGW, 4-1. Alfred was exceptional, allowing only 4 hits, one run and 10 strikeouts. He didn’t walk one batter. Morrison was not as efficient, he let in four runs, the Travelers accumulated 12 hits, two walks and CGW committed two errors.

            The Travelers started early with one run in the first with Dunham doubling and Cloos bringing him home on a lazy single to right. The game went quickly through the middle innings but in the eighth CGW slugger, Dave “Delivers” Mailer, got ahold of one of Alfred’s high fastballs a drove it out of the park tying the game. The tie didn’t last long, in the top of the ninth Joey Brown was able to get on a Texas fielder and Artie Archibald walked. Little Billy Sweet came to bat and took Morrison to a 3-2 count and fouled off 5 balls before Morrison tried to slip a low outside curve by Sweet, but he was ready and connected with a line drive that made it over the fence in left just over the outstretched glove of outfielder, Willie Gant. The Travelers took the lead and Alfred shut down CGW in the bottom of the ninth, one, two three.

With the win the Travelers move into a tie for first place in the league with seven games left.

            The Travelers move on to Mountain View next week where their task does not get any easier. They will play a double header against the Explorers and face pitching ace Joe “Freight” Trane in the first game and Frankie “Cowboy” West in the second. They will face slugger, Bobby “Hammer” Taxen in both. The games begin at 1:05 in Mountainview Stadium.



Less than 48 hours after concluding talks with President Eisenhower, Syngman Rhee declares the Korean Armistice dead. He called on the United States to concur in the ousting of two communist members of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission.

The Senate orders a special committee to investigate Sen. McCarthy and the Communist-hunting methods for which his foes declare he should be censured.

President Eisenhower approves the Housing Act of 1954, calling it “a major advance toward meeting America’s housing needs.” The President had asked for 35,000 public housing units a year for four years. Congress authorized 35,000 units for one year and inserted provisos that make the attainment of the full number doubtful. “We shall need to continue our public housing program until the needs can be met by private industry,” said the President. Also,

“The new law permits the Government to insure larger home mortgage loans, carrying smaller down payments and longer terms. Millions of our families with modest incomes will be able, for the first time, to buy new or used homes. Families will be helped to enlarge or modernize their present homes.”

Dior’s new look de-emphasizes the bust line. A critic of the new look is Italy’s Gina Lollobrigida: “If Dior is worn out from seeing the glorious triumph of something underneath sweaters or suits, then maybe he ought to close his eyes, because they are here to stay.”

Victor Mature is put on suspension by 20th-Century-Fox for refusing to report to work on “Untamed” with Susan Hayward and Tyrone Power. The studio is having its share of trouble with recalcitrant actors. Marilyn Monroe took an extended honeymoon with Joe DiMaggio, rather than do “Pink Tights,” and Marlon Brando took off for New York and his psychiatrist rather than show-up for “The Egyptian.”

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Thursday, August 1, 2024




Thursday, July 29, 1954   Vol. C474



East Farewell – A major program has gotten underway at the north end of Lake Charles. The area has many fallen trees clogging the flow of the lake into the Big Bear River. This congestion has caused lake water to stagnate and grow massive algae blooms. The lake is fed on the south side by the south fork of the Big Bear and has always had a very slight current flowing. The trees have fallen at the north end over the years and never caused any problem until this year. There are so many trunks that a natural dam has been formed and the flow has been blocked almost completely. Along with the algae and bad water the water levels have raised enough to put some lakefront houses in peril. Many docks have come close to losing their moorings and some beaches have disappeared. Many residents use the lake water for their water source and are very concerned about the stagnation.

            Tom Connally, Town Council President, has launched a program to clear out the debris and get the water flowing again. The project, which is underway now, is lifting any trunks that can be moved and carrying them to the side of the lake where they are cut up and hauled away. Any trunks that are immovable, and there are many, are cut in the water and hauled away. This is a fairly dangerous job and is being overseen by State Forestry officials.

            “We hope to have this project completed by the end of August and everything back to normal. The lake levels are already going down and the algae blooms are being broken up by the foresters,” said Connally at a news conference on Tuesday.

            “Many years ago, we had a similar problem, but it was beavers that caused the back up,” said Mrs. Mallard during the discussion portion of the meeting, “I remember a group of trappers made quick work of that colony. Then they blew up their dam. We haven’t seen any beavers around here since.”

            There is no expectation that explosives will be needed for the current clearing project, but Connally did not completely rule it out. “We will do whatever it takes to get Lake Charles back to the pristine condition that we all know and love.”

Tree crew works on removing debris from Lake Charles




Bedford – The Travelers kept their win streak intact as they beat the Bears, 4-3, on Saturday night. Billy Green took the mound and did a fine job, only allowing three runs on five hits and three walks. Bears pitcher, Clyde DeCarlo, let in 4 runs, two homers by Cloos and Dunham and one run scored on a throwing error by outfielder Tommy Maise. The winning Traveler run was a double by Brown who stole third and a long sacrifice fly by Arty Archibald that scored Brown.

            The Travelers have now won five in a row and are sitting second in the standings behind Corning. They will take their winning streak to Corning next week and face CGW for a chance to tie for the league lead. It looks like the Travelers will have some good fortune on their side as CGW pitching ace, Bill” Smoke” Black will not be on the mound due to a bruised hand. The Travelers will send Joey Alfred to the mound. The game is a late afternoon game and will begin at 3:05 in Glass Works Park.




William J. Levitt, one of the builders of Levittown, Long Island tells Senate housing investigators that a profit of more than $5 million had been made on the sale of 4,028 homes in the development. The project was built with government –insured mortgages. 

Cleveland’s Bob Feller tosses a two-hitter at the Philadelphia Athletics to win 6-0 and maintain the Indians’ slim American League lead. 

George Gobel, the young comedian who appeared last summer on “Saturday Night Revue” will get his own show on NBC-TV beginning in October.


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