Thursday, May 9, 2024




Thursday, May 6, 1954   Vol. C462



East Farewell – Preceding his photo shoot in Georgetown, photographer, Orlando Suero, stopped by East Farewell to shoot some photos documenting small town living in the USA for Life magazine. It was an unannounced visit so as to make it as spontaneous as possible explained Suero when asked during his visit. “I wanted to find a typical American small town and get some shots of life there,” he explained while scoping out different views up and down Main Street and Lakeshore Drive, “I saw this town on the rail schedule when I was on my way down to Washington, DC on an assignment to photograph John Kennedy and Jacqueline, and the name jumped right out at me. Life had asked me a while ago for a spread of a ‘small town USA’ and this seemed like it was just pulling me in. It was on the same railroad and fairly close to the main line so I couldn’t resist. It is charming and the people are very welcoming. Perhaps Life will do a complete spread using these shots as a basis. We will see. But in the meantime, I am going to enjoy my brief stay here and soak in all the beauty, peacefulness and warmth.”

            Suero then went about his business snapping many photos, talking with townsfolk and even stopping in the Lost Oasis for a meal and a drink. He was so infatuated with the town that he booked a room in Mrs. Mallard’s boarding house overnight. He caught an early train the next morning presumably headed back down to Georgetown. Life Magazine’s editorial board would not comment on the possibility of the afore mentioned article citing business concerns but they did say there was interest in a “Small Town USA” spread possibly in the near future.

Orlando Suero



Bear Creek – The Travelers will open their season in Bear Creek today. Starting pitcher for the Travelers will be ace, Joe Nagy. The Bear Creek Cubs will send out their ace, Randy Bellows. Both pitchers are veterans and have excellent records. The Cubs are coming off a fairly good season winning 25 and losing 10. The Travelers faired a little better winning 30 and losing 5. Both teams ended in the middle of the league standings. The Cubs- Travelers opener has become a bit of a tradition over the past three years with the opening game scheduled first In East Farewell and then the past two at Bear Creek because of the absence of a Traveler’s home ballpark.

            The Travelers starting lineup is a string of popular veterans being led by Johnny Cloos, center field. He came in second last season in home runs. The infield has Bobby Watson at first, Artie Archibald at second, Dale Dunham at short, “Mean” Richie Lane at third and Joey Brown behind the plate. In the outfield there is Cloos in center, Ralph Francis in right and Billy Sweet in left. The pitchers this year are Billy Green, Joey Alfred, Joe Nagy, and Danny Lane. Manager Sam Fowler returns to run the show.

            The game begins today at 1:30 at Bear Creek Stadium. It is promising to be a sellout due to Bear Creek’s close proximity to East Farewell. Many Traveler fans will make the short jaunt to take in opening day. Go Travelers!




Sen. Joseph McCarthy throws the hearing into an uproar by producing what he said was an FBI warning to the Army against security risks. The Army called it “improper” for the senator to have the letter and a possible “violation of the law.’ Sen. Joseph McCarthy testified that an Army intelligence officer had given him a partial copy of a secret FBI report on Army security risks. McCarthy flatly refused to disclose the name of the officer.

Sen. Joseph McCarthy defied another member of the Eisenhower administration and declared he would not abide by Atty. Gen Herbert Brownell’s decision that any FBI data bearing on a hunt for Communist spies should be kept secret.

The Hudson Motor Car Company and Nash-Kelvinator Corporation merge to become American Motors. The new company will have assets of $350 million and annual sales of $700 million. Hudson & Nash build America’s most popular compact cars including Rambler and Jet. Kelvinator makes home appliances including refrigerators, electric ranges, home freezers, washers and dryers.

Bored at their father’s polo match, Prince Charles, 5 and his sister Princess Anne, 3, proved they are just like any other kids. Anne wandered off into the crowd begging for candy and Charles pulled the hair of a man sitting in front of him. Mother Queen Elizabeth shot a royal frown and sent over a finger wagging call down.

Realist’s (stereo) 3-D camera is on sale. It looks like a hand-held, but has three lenses - just $159.00. “The startling realism of 3-D in full rich color is all yours... if you can take good ordinary snapshots! Using the stereo realist is as easy as a box camera and you’ll get prize winning shots on your first roll.”

Television news – Public demonstrations of color TV will be conducted by RCA at the RCA Exhibition Hall at 40 West 40th Street. Festival of Color” will include color telecasts over a closed circuit and a display of cameras and receivers.

Losing money - American and Cuban owners of station Television del Caribe – Channel 11 in Havana, shut the station off. The station is part owned by Storer Broadcasting. It’s the first of five channels in Cuba to discontinue operations.

Music news – CBS bans “Song of the Sewer” by Art Carney for being beneath its “cultural standards.’ Also, the network puts the ban on “Bunch of Bananas” on which Rosemary Clooney and Jose Ferrer are paired. It’s a song about Ernest Hemmingway’s jungle adventure after the plane crash when he lived on bananas and gin. But CBS does not want “gin” uttered at all.

Pop music this week -

Perry Como -“Wanted,”

Frank Sinatra -“Young At Heart,”

Nat King Cole -“Answer Me My Love,”

Kay Starr -“The Man Upstairs,”

Eddie Fisher - “A Girl A Girl,”

Kitty Kallen - “Little Things Mean A lot,”

Patti Page - “Cross Over Bridge

Tony Martin - “Here.”

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of the East Farewell News.


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