Thursday, April 11, 2024




Thursday, April 8, 1954   Vol. C458



East Farewell – The Lakefront Plaza committee has agreed to purchase the two parcels of lakefront that border the current Lakefront Plaza beach. This will expand the Lakefront beach to 1020 feet, almost a quarter mile. The parcels are currently undeveloped and were owned by two different townspeople, Charles McNicholas and Jacqueline Annie; both have owned the properties for many years. The Committee made the purchase proposal to compliment the expansion of the Lakefront Plaza project. The expansion will start to take place immediately. The parcels must be cleared and a new beach must be created. This will mean grading the surface and building entrance ramps that are accessible from the Plaza.

            “We are very pleased with these acquisitions and hope to have the whole project completed by June 1st,” said Committee chairman, Douglas James, “This expansion will make the whole Lakefront Plaza/ Fun Pier complex a wonderful attraction for everyone.”

            The price paid for the parcels was $15000 apiece. That’s a fair price for Lakefront property in today’s market,” said local realtor Maxwell Quinn, “You are going to see this market explode if they put in the exchange on the new turnpike.”

Lake Charles shoreline with Fun Pier



Riverview – The Cougars rolled into Riverview last Friday night confident that they would win the second matchup between them and the Wildcats, even though they were playing on the Wildcats home court which is an extremely difficult place to play if you are a visitor. The Cougars advantage was not their confident mindset, although that was a factor, it was the fact that the Wildcats have suffered a series of very debilitating injuries to their first team and have had to field a second squad that is nowhere near as competent as their first squad. The Wildcats did not throw in the towel, though. The played a spirited game that caught the Cougars a bit by surprise. In the first half the unknown Wildcats sparred with the seasoned Cougars with neither side able to establish control. Cougar’s center, Dan Davis, was off his game in the first half, perhaps due to a pesky double team put up by the Wildcats. Wildcats center, Brian Walker, has improved greatly since their last meeting only two weeks ago and he teamed up with Wildcats forward, Darrel Johnson, to make Davis’s life miserable in the first half. The Wildcats also debuted a new backcourt pair, Willie Dumont and Scott Carlisle who were almost a match for the Cougars league-leading backcourt of Timmy Green and Joey Welch. At the end of the first half the Wildcats were very much in the game trailing only by two, 24-22, and they had enjoyed four leads by as much as six points.

            Coach Wilson had some serious words for the Cougars at halftime and they came back to the court reinvigorated. Forwards, Gene Green and Billy O’Donnell were able to break up the Wildcats double team and free up Davis. Together Green and O’Donnell scored 8 points and were able to direct the flow with crisp passes and smart play execution. The Cougars backcourt also stepped up and showed why they are the league leaders. Timmy Green put on a dribbling show that ate up good deal of the clock once the Cougars had established a strong lead. Joey Welch displayed excellent passing skills with snap passes and a new “no look” pass that no one had seen before. With only one minute left and the Cougars in a commanding position with a 12 point lead, Coach Wilson put in the Cougars second team. The Wildcats made a valiant run but did not have enough time. They lost 52-45.

            The Cougars return home next week to face the Fort Lee Captains. The Cougars won the only other game they had with the Captains this season and hope to repeat next week. The game is a Saturday game beginning at 1:45 in the Regional High School Gymnasium.




The United States, Britain and France ask the United Nations to set up secret negotiations to bring a halt to the hydrogen bomb race between the United States and Russia.

Sen. Joseph McCarthy charges that America deliberately delayed its hydrogen bomb research for 18 months for some mysterious reason. “If there were no Communists in our government, why did we delay for 18 months – delay our research on the hydrogen bomb, even though our intelligence agencies were reporting day after day that the Russians were feverishly publishing their development of the bomb? And may I say to America tonight that our nation may well die – our nation may well die because of that 18-month deliberate delay – and ask who caused it? Was it loyal Americans or was it traitors in our government? Murrow on March 9 accused McCarthy of repeatedly stepping over the line that divides investigation and persecution. McCarthy retorted (on this week’s show) that Murrow “as far back as 20 years ago was engaged in propaganda for Communist causes.”

Sen. Joseph McCarthy questions Chairman W. Sterling Cole of the House-Senate Atomic Energy Committee about why this country delayed research on the H-bomb 18 months. McCarthy said the United States “may well die” because of the delay. Cole replied, “We took a long time in deciding to go ahead on it. But that does not mean there was anything sinister necessarily.”

Retiring - Arturo Toscanini (87) conducts his final concert with the NBC Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. He had been with the orchestra for 17 years. He has been a conductor for 68 years.

Zsa Zsa Gabor wins a divorce from actor George Sanders

– April Fool’s joke – “Aku” of station KGMB Honolulu broadcasts a bulletin stating the senate had repealed islander’s income taxes and provided for return of 1953 taxes. Then a voice saying he was the station’s general manager said the Aku statement was a hoax and he had fired the popular disc jockey. Just another hoax. Aku is of course, still on the air.

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of the East Farewell News.

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