Thursday, August 24, 2023


                     EAST FAREWELL NEWS

Thursday, August 20, 1953   Vol. C245



East Farewell – Temperatures have been holding in the mid 90s for a week with daytime highs slipping past 100 and topping out at 103 on Tuesday. The evenings and nights have offered no relief, only dipping to the upper 80s. To make matters worse the humidity has been extremely high hovering around 80% all week. It is not unusual for the temperatures to rise into the nineties during August in the area but it is not usual for the temperatures to reach the high nineties and even the triple digits for such an extended period of time. Even Lake Charles is showing the stress of the heat. The shoreline has receded almost two feet in some shallow beach areas.

            “This heat is very oppressive,” groaned Natalie Mallard, local resident, “it makes it so hard to do anything, even going to the beach is too hot. The lake water is like a bath and as soon as you get out you are dry. It is just too hot.”

            Her feelings are shared by the whole population in town. In fact it seems the only person who is even the slightest bit comfortable is Howard Arden who owns the Ice House. “You know,” says Arden, “I have to work well into the fall and it gets mighty cold around here then so this kind of evens things out. I really enjoy my job right now, I can’t even tell you the number of applications I have sitting on my desk. I don’t even have time to look at them. Perhaps I’ll hire a secretary to sort through them. I could use some part time help right now.”

Arden then picked up what looked like a 50 pound block of solid ice with large tongs and effortlessly tossed it into the back of his truck. The open truck attracted a surprising large crowd, especially when the back doors were open. The Ice House supplies ice to all the local establishments and many of the summer rentals request weekly supplies of ice cubes. They also use the large blocks for inexpensive air conditioning in the summer bungalows by the lake.

The forecast looks like more of the same for at least the next week.  People will continue to slog through the heat and humidity, except for Howard Arden.

Receding Lake Charles shoreline



East Farewell – The Travelers were slowed by the heat last Saturday while the Bear Creek Cubs seemed to barely notice the 90 plus temperatures. The Cubs won handily, 5-1. The field was so hot that even the fans moved slowly. After a third inning Cub homer by Stan Laymen fans only walked to retrieve the ball from the left field seats. The Cubs added to Laymen’s homer in the fifth and the seventh scoring two in each inning. The Travelers only offense came in the eighth when they were able to score one when Dale Dunham hit a clean triple off the right field wall and Booby Watson was able to sacrifice him home. Other than that spark the Travelers looked like they were playing in slow motion. Their usually crisp infield was sloppy and sluggish, missing what would be normally double plays for single outs. The outfield was miss- reading fly balls all afternoon, luckily none of the mistakes were too costly on the scoreboard side.

            “Boy, did we look bad this afternoon,” said Johnny Cloos, Travelers centerfielder, “We just didn’t have any get up and go out there. Maybe it was the heat, that’s no excuse, they had to play in the same heat and they looked ok, we just did a bad job this afternoon, sorry.”

            The apology was rare and well accepted but all the fans want to see is performance on the field. The Travelers will take on the Ondita Cougars next week and hopefully the enthusiastic Travelers will show up. The game begins at 4:30 at the new ballpark.



    One of the first (Yankee) prisoners of the Korean War is freed. Sgt Jaime O Domenech of Puerto Rico was captured on July 6, 1950. He said he was carrying a sick man with another soldier when “the tiger” told them to put him down. As a POW, he said he saw many men die of sickness, starvation and maltreatment. 

Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin says there is evidence of Government Printing Office employees that are communists and a gambling ring, saying the situation “offers the most serious threat possible to the security of the nation.” 

In a Gallup poll, a survey finds Senator Joseph McCarthy getting an unfavorable attitude ratio from pollsters - 42 to 34. 

Soviet troops and communist police occupy several East German factories, crush anti-communist demonstrations and arrest at least 100 workers.

The Soviet Union promises to free all Germans now held there for “crimes connected with war.” The only exceptions are the ones serving terms for severe crimes “against peace and humanity.”

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of the East Farewell News.


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