Thursday, April 27, 2023


                                     EAST FAREWELL NEWS

Thursday, April 23, 1953   Vol. C228



East Farewell- The reconstruction project of the Lake Charles Fun Pier is on schedule and plans to open for the Memorial Day Weekend according to Sam Lendel, owner and driving force in the project.  The pier was all but obliterated during the September hurricane last year.  The new pier will be bigger, extending out into Lake Charles about 100 yards, and better housing more shops and restaurants along a new boardwalk and along Lake Shore Drive. The premier attractions; the iconic Ferris wheel and the beautiful carousel will be the anchors of the new pier. Added attractions include a bumper car ride, a Tilt-a-Whirl, a fun house and an eagerly anticipated new feature- a roller coaster. The structural skeleton has been the talk of the town for weeks. The pier has been rising phoenix-like throughout the fall and even during the snows of winter. The crews have shown incredible resilience enduring difficult weather conditions but pressed on to stay on schedule.

            “We are extremely pleased with the progress and I have to give all the credit to the work crews on the site for getting the job done. This is going to be the best amusement pier in the state,” said Lenel at a news conference Monday. “I am sure the citizens will be very happy with the new rides and all the excitement that comes with them.  All the new shops and restaurants will really make East Farewell a “Destination Station” (using the term bestowed on the town by the Mighty Keystone Railroad last year).

            The Fun Pier is officially scheduled to open Memorial Day weekend but Lendel hinted there may be an early surprise for townsfolk if all things stay on schedule. Perhaps a sneak peak before the official opening. Lenel would only smile when asked directly.    

Artistic rendition of the new Fun Pier



East Farewell- In a surprising and totally unexpected announcement the State Athletic Association has invited the Central League champion Cougars to play in the state tournament.  This is an unprecedented first in League history and a proud accomplishment for the already very accomplished team.  The Cougars not only won the league championship but also set a record for the most wins in a season and the least points scored on, as well as the most points scored. Coach Wilson was speechless when told of the invitation. Later he composed himself enough to hold a press conference and answer questions about the event.

            “It is a single-elimination tournament and we are the last seed so we will be playing the number one seed. That could be tough. We are a very good team and we have improved throughout the season. Who knows, I think these kids have played as well as any team in the state and I am sure they can play with any team in the state. Of course, the number one team is number one for a reason so our guys have their work cut out for them. We were very surprised to receive an invitation, but we are very grateful. I am sure our kids will play a heck of a game.”

            The tournament starts next Monday with the Cougars facing the Stars from Capitol City at 4:00PM in the Capitol City Arena.  There are only ten teams in the tournament, making the invitation even more exclusive and impressive, and the elimination will be of a “one and done’ nature except for the second round where the highest scorer of the first round losers will advance to play the third second round winner.  This is the seventh year of the tournament, started in 1947, and has been growing in popularity every year. There is always talk of expanding the pool but the ten top teams have always been invited. It is rumored but not officially stated that the number 10 spot is given to the “sweetheart” team in the state, meaning the team that has showed either the most improvement or has shown dominance in their own league. The Cougars would fit into both those criteria. Good luck, boys.



Baseball news - President Eisenhower threw out the first ball of the season in Washington, and then watched the Yankees beat the Senators 6-3.

CBS demonstrates its version of color television in a closed circuit feed in New York City. Critics seem to favor the RCA system. The CBS system cannot be used on present day, black & white televisions. The RCA system is totally compatible and can be seen in both black & white and color.

Dr Michael Mason a Chicago plastic surgeon says that torn fingers can now be rescued by surgery. The patient must still retain a portion of the severed finger. “The operation got a good start during the war and is being performed more and more now because a greater number of surgeons are learning about it.”

Actor Charlie Chaplin (64) says he’s giving up his residence in the United States because he finds it “virtually impossible to continue my motion picture work.” under conditions developed after World War II. “I have been the object of lies and vicious propaganda by powerful reactionary groups who by their influence, and by the aid of America’s yellow press, have created an unhealthy atmosphere in which liberal-minded individuals can be singled out and persecuted.” Chaplin is British, but spent most of his life living in America.

Abram Myers - a spokesman for independent motion-picture theaters says their existence is threatened by the development of 3D films. Producers now are making the films with almost 20 different processes and that it requires the installation of different equipment in theaters to show them. He’s wants producers and the group that represents small theater owners, to work together.

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of the East Farewell News.


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