Thursday, May 5, 2022


                                       EAST FAREWELL NEWS

Thursday, May 1, 1952   Vol. C359



East Farewell – There is only one flower shop in East Farewell, Beverly’s on Main, but almost every home has either flower boxes or a flower garden in front and many of the businesses have oversized pots out front with all types of flowers planted. The fresh blooms have many people talking about starting a Flower Show to welcome the spring in town. Beverly Reynolds, owner of Beverly’s on Main has been championing the cause and has put together a proposal that would set up an event to be put on in the spring and invite different florists, gardeners and landscapers from the area to show off their different, fresh creations. Reynolds said she is using the famous Philadelphia Flower Show as a template for her plan. The Town Council is expected to take up the proposal at their next meeting.

            “I am hoping to invite folks from all over. I know of many fantastic florists from Slate Mountain, Ondita, Bear Creek and Riverview and they have all been really enthusiastic about the idea,” said Reynolds when asked about her plan.

            The details will be laid out at the meeting but Miss Reynolds has been very open about her ideas. She would like to have each invitee set up their exhibit and have the public vote for the best display. She is hoping for a multi-day, possibly a week or more and offer fresh flowers for sale. The event is obviously still in its planning stage and would not be even possible until next year even if it were approved next week. For this year everyone will have to be content with planting their own flowers and plants like they always have but they can look forward to more exciting springs in East Farewell

Overflowing window boxes brighten Lakeshore Drive 



Corning – Bill Black is the hottest pitcher in the league. He is a rookie pitcher for the Corning Glass Works (CGW) baseball team. His record is 3-0 with two shutouts. He has already earned a nickname of “Smoke” for his blazing fastball. The Travelers came into Coring low on momentum and hoping for a spark in their offense. They did not light the fuse but they did not get completely extinguished either. “Smoke” Black was able to strike out 11 but the Travelers were able to score two runs off him and take CGW into twelve innings before falling 3-2 in a pitcher’s duel that was a gem. Traveler’s pitcher, Joe Nagy went to the mound and matched Black with 11 strikeouts. He struck out the side twice. His only weakness on the day was letting four hits in the sixth that scored two CGW runs and one last fastball in the twelfth that CGW slugger, Tommy Gianni connected with and sent out of the park for the walk off win.

            The Travelers were able to break through Black’s mystique with five hits in the seventh and score their two runs to tie the score. Billy Sweet and Joey Alfred started off the rally with a single and a walk then Ralph Francis, Dale Dunham and Bobby Watson got hits and Johnny Cloos came up with one run in and the bases loaded. Cloos took Black to a 3-2 count and was able poke a single through for another run but that was all the Travelers were able to do and they ended up taking the tie game into the twelfth. Black let up his last hit to Artie Archibald but he was left stranded and CGW came to bat. Nagy struck out the first batter but Gianni came up and ended the game with his out of the park homer.

            The Travelers put up a good fight but came up short and are still looking to turn around their season. They do not have an easy task ahead as the head into Mountainview next week. Luckily for them they will not face Joe “Freight” Trane, the Explorers ace. They will see Bobby “Hammer” Taxen one of the leading sluggers in the league. The game starts at 1:00PM in Mountainview Park.




Steel strike - President Truman appeals to CIO President Phillip Murray and six steel company presidents as “loyal Americans” to resume production.

The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals puts the strike-bound steel mills backing possession of the government, but only temporarily, pending an appeal of the fight to the Supreme Court.

Thirteen Republican Senators ask Congress to direct Secretary of Commerce Sawyer to give up the steel plants, which were seized by order of President Truman. 

At the movies –

Singin’ In The Rain – Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, Debbie Reynolds

The Belle of New York – Fred Astaire, Vera Ellen, Marjorie Main

Love Is Better Than Ever – Larry Parks, Elizabeth Taylor

Tales of Hoffmann – Morira Shearer

Sailor Beware – Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis

Carbine Williams – James Stewart, Jean Hagen, Wendell Corey

Pride Of St. Louis – Dan Dailey, Joanne Dru

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of the East Farewell News.


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