Thursday, June
2, 1960 Vol. C779
Farewell- The annual Decoration Day celebration took place on Saturday. This
year the parade was a big success due in part to the wonderful weather. Crowds
from out of town flocked into town to see the parade and take part in the
official opening day of summer. The Fun Pier opened to the public and many restaurants
set up alfresco dining along Lakeshore Drive and Main Street.
The parade started at the
Fairgrounds entrance and the Fairgrounds were used as a staging area. It was
led by the Regional High School Pep Band who was followed by Firetrucks from
the local volunteer station and several other visiting companies. An impressive
group of antique cars were next and they had the honor of carrying surviving
war veterans from town. World War I vet, Tommy Flynn now 60, was the grand
marshal and rode with great distinction in a beautifully restored 1937 812 Cord
Phaeton convertible. After the cars came the animals. The EFAS (East Farewell
Animal Shelter) volunteers walked, to the best of their ability, several dogs,
two goats and a horse with three cats carried in what can only be described as
baby slings. Fancy horses from Swinging Gate Ranch followed. Decked out in
tassels and sparkles they horses and snappy dressed riders were a big hit with
the crowd. The full Regional High Marching Band brought up the end and
performed many favorites while showing off their impeccable marching form.
The parade wound down Lake Shore
Drive onto Main Street and ended up at the Lakefront Plaza that had been
decorated with patriotic flag banners and several free standing American flags.
A ceremony was held on the Plaza honoring the fallen town sons as well as the
living. High school senior and band member Kevin Doyle played a stirring
rendition of Taps to end the ceremony.
After the ceremony many folks made
their way over to the Fun Pier while others drifted back into town but most
walked over to the Travelers stadium to watch the Travelers take on the Bear
Creek Cubs. It seems summer has started in East Farewell.
WWI Vet Tommy Flynn rides in
East Farewell – The Travelers took the field
confidently on Saturday. They were on a two game winning streak with
magnificent games pitched by Joe Nagy and Billy Green. The offense had been hot
with slams by both Johnny Cloos and “Big Bob” Tilman. They were facing the Bear
Creek Cubs who have been having trouble lately generating runs. The Cubs,
however, came into town looking for a fight. They started out strong by scoring
two runs in the first off a clearly confused Joey Alfred. His curve ball wasn’t
curving and his fastball wasn’t fast. That spelled trouble for Alfred. He
wasn’t helped by the offense that went the first three innings without touching
the ball. By the end of the third the Cubs were looking like the stronger team
and the Travelers were looking for answers. The Cubs held a 4-0 lead.
Travelers answer came from an unlikely suspect, Mitch Maxwell, the utility
infielder picked up back in 1957 and who’s claim to fame so far had been the
fact that he homered in his first Travelers at bat. Maxwell came up third in
the fourth and the Travelers had already started to stir. Cloos had walked and
joey Brown had looped their first hit over shortstop Bennie Max’s head leaving
two men on. Maxwell took pitcher, Nate Fenny, deep to his first 3-2 count that
didn’t end on the fifth pitch. Maxwell started fouling off balls and Fenny
could not get his fastball to blaze by Maxwell. Finally, after six fouls Fenny
tried one more fastball and Maxwell was waiting. He smashed the ball clear over
the right field wall and brought the score to 4-3, Cubs. Maxwell wasn’t
finished, though, in the seventh he came up again and once again the Travelers
had men on base. This time they were loaded with Dunham, Watson and Dimero.
Maxwell and Fenny stared at each other at first then Maxwell stepped in the
batter’s box. Fenny started off with a change-up and missed. Then he tried a
curve, missed again. Maxwell was probably thinking a fastball was coming next
but Fenny went with another curve and it was low and outside. Maxwell took the
next pitch that was a fastball and a strike. Fenny cranked up and let fly
another fastball and Maxwell was not taking. He laid into the ball that was
right down the middle and once again drove it over the right field wall. A
grand slam for Maxwell and 7-4 Travelers lead.
the eighth Alfred had found his rhythm and was starting to strike out the top
Cub hitters. He only allowed one run in the eighth and struck out the side to
end the game. The Travelers had their hands full with a surprisingly good Cubs
team but they were able to prevail in the end, 7-5 thanks to the outstanding
performance by Mitch Maxwell. “I had a great day but it is really a team game
and I was only a part of the whole effort,” said Maxwell after the game, “We
all came together for this win. It just so happened it was my turn in the
spotlight. I am glad I could be part of the win. Next week we will do it all
again and someone else will probably be in the spotlight but the team will
always be there.”
week the Travelers go back on the road to face the Ondita Cougars and their
star pitcher, Sam “Cat” Caterno. The Travelers have had trouble with Caterno
losing their last three games against him. The evening game begins at 7:00PM in
Ondita Park.
Charles de Gaulle breaks his silence on the summit fiasco, attacking
Premier Khrushchev for wrecking the Paris summit conference, but warns that
both East and West were drifting into mutual destruction unless they adopted a
three-point formula for competitive co-existence.
announces that Soviet Premier Khrushchev has accepted an invitation from Fidel
Castro to visit Cuba. The time will be agreed on later. Meanwhile in a press
conference, the propaganda machine is in full swing. Khrushchev says that
President Eisenhower told him at Camp David, that the U.S. did not want a
unified Germany because it feared strengthening the Germans. In his public
statements, Eisenhower has said he was in support of unifying East and West
Germany through free elections. Khrushchev also said if Nixon were elected
President that would be good for Russia, because Nixon would be certain to make
mistakes “beneficial to us”
Powers, father of Francis G. Powers said the Khrushchev sent him a
telegram, saying that if he comes to Russia, “I will do everything I can to
help you”
closes a deal with the American Football league. The 5-year pact says ABC will
pay $125,000 for each of 17 games broadcast per year or $2,125,000 per year.
Many, many
thanks to www.mrpopculture.com for
contributing to this section of the East Farewell News.
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