Thursday, July 16,
1959 Vol. C733
East Farewell – The wind was perfect for sailing, not to strong
but certainly enough to push the 25 sleek, beautiful boats across the water at
a very swift pace and make for a very entertaining race. The 25 boat limit was
imposed by the “Race Committee” a semi-formal group formed to run basically
everything about the race. Made up of recent winners, boat owners, local town
council members and boat lovers the committee decides the date, the time, the
course, the race procedure, the entry process, the awards and the advertising. This
year the race started and finished in front of the Lakefront Plaza where there
was a temporary dock built that served as a judge’s stand/ start-finish line.
The beach next to the Plaza was full of spectators and every lakefront property
seemed to be hosting some sort of party, cookout or social event. Even Raleigh
Beach hosted some unusual activities. The beach is located in the most remote
part of the lake and is owned and operated by N.U.D.E., the nudist camp has
been around for many years. Frank Logan, president of N.U.D.E., was in touch
with the committee very early in the planning and told them there was a strong
possibility that some of his members would be on the beach if the weather was
agreeable. If the committee wanted to reroute the race he would not object. The
committee decided to not alter the course and the boats passed right in front
of Raleigh Beach much to the amusement and sometimes embarrassment of some crew
members. All in all, the race went off without a hitch.
This year last
year’s winner, Hank Bell and his daughter, Jill jumped out to an early lead but
got hung up in Dunn’s Cove and had to resort to paddling out and losing a great
deal of time. They also got stuck around Raleigh Beach where a sandbar
developed over the winter and was not discovered until after the race had
started. Bell’s boat wasn’t the only one that encountered trouble with the
course. Frank Furness and last year’s second place finisher, Cindy Taylor, both
had difficulty getting around Raleigh Beach. It should be noted that none of
the racers blamed the activity on the beach for their racing woes. Aside from
the Dunn’s Cove and Raleigh Beach problems the race took less time than last
year. The low 70’s and the brisk wind helped all contestants move around the
course with graceful ease aside from the aforementioned difficulties.
This year one
of the original racers, Ward James was able to win the race by three lengths in
front of his longtime nemesis, Earl Dorman. The two were the original racers
back in 1955. They had made a bet on whose boat was quicker, set up a race and
as they say, the rest is history. The race attracted so much attention other
boat owners got together with the pair and set up the first multi-participant
race in 1956. Boat owners around the lake have come together to form a loosely
organized “Lake Charles Navy” and have taken over most of the race functions.
They are also referred to as “the committee”.
Behind James
and Dorman, Walter O’Keefe, Vic Hale and Cindy Taylor came in in that order. There were some out of
towners but most of the entrants were from the Lake Charles area. After the
finish everyone met on the Plaza and a brief ceremony was held and James
reluctantly accepted the trophy. “The only reason I am accepting this, you all
know I was always against any trophy, the only reason I am accepting this is to
prove once and for all to Dorman that my boat is faster,” said James
with a laugh as he held the trophy over his head. The committee was already
making plans for next year’s race even as the party on the Plaza went on well
into the night.
Hank Bell finally
passes Raleigh Beach
Riverview- The beautiful Riverview Stadium was very welcoming to
the Travelers on Saturday night. The Anglers were looking to stop the Travelers
who were coming off a strong win last week. The Travelers had other ideas. They
started out fast scoring four runs in the first two innings and didn’t look
back as they hooked the Anglers 7-2. The Travelers bats were still hot and they
were able to string together six innings in a row with at least one hit. They
totaled 15 hits in the game including a blast out of the park by Johnny Cloos.
That raised his season total to 12 and leads the league in dingers.
The Anglers
tried to get back into the game with a big sixth inning scoring both their runs,
smacking Travelers pitcher, Joe Nagy, around for six hits in that inning. It
was the Travelers defense that saved Nagy by turning a clean double play with
the bases loaded to get him out of the inning. From then on the Travelers
closed down the Anglers allowing only two more hits in the game while scoring
two in the seventh and one in the eighth. Angler’s pitcher, Joe Amato, did not
seem to have his signature curve ball working and he suffered for it.
The Travelers
stay on the road next week when they visit Cedar Creek on Saturday afternoon.
The game begins at 1:05 in Cedar Creek ballpark.
steel workers strike the industry – the keystone of the U.S economy. The federal
government’s chief labor mediator steps into the steel strike and quickly
dashes hopes for an early settlement with the announcement that the deadlock
“is a serious one, not susceptible to easy or early solution.” President
Eisenhower for now will keep his hands off.
President Manuel
Urrutia resigns after Fidel Castro accused him of “near
treason.” Castro himself, resigned as prime minister a few hours earlier.
Castro denounced Urruitia, his handpicked choice for president after the
overthrow of Dictator Fulgencio Batista - for his criticism of Communists and
Communism in Cuba.
Eisenhower said the United States would make no retreat that could be looked on
as clear evidence of western weakness in its Berlin stand. Moreover said
the President, Russia must give “clear recognition of our rights and
responsibilities” in West Berlin before he will agree to a meeting of chiefs of
Poland, a tired and worn Premier Khrushchev tells a crowd in a mining and
industrial center that he “was a miner too.” The town Katowice is sometimes
called the Polish Pittsburgh and was the first stop on Khrushchev’s tour of the
country. In Sosnowiec, Poland, Khrushchev, giving his solemn pledge to a
cheering crowd “that never, never, never shall we launch any war against any
country anywhere at any time. We want co-existence, we don’t want war. We don’t
need war. Neither do the capitalist countries.”
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