Thursday, May 16, 2019



Thursday, May 14, 1959   Vol. C724



East Farewell – The weather has been very spring like this month and that has not gone unnoticed by the Fun Pier owners, the Lendel family, who took advantage of the wonderful weather to open the Fun Pier for a sneak preview of the summer season. The Pier was opened on Friday night at the same time the Lakefront Plaza was filled with booths that restaurant and artist’s had set up for people to stroll and dine in the warm evening air. The Plaza was transformed into a wagon wheel with all the restaurants and food services around the outside and all the artists making up the spokes. In the center was a circular stage that had continuing entertainment throughout the night and all day Saturday and Sunday. It entertainment was also a bit of a preview of the Arts Festival that will be held in August.
            This was a resurrection of sorts for the Spring Festival. It was not held last year mainly due to poor, cold weather. While there was no official announcement of the Festival word spread quickly around town and all the restaurants and performers were pretty much ready to go and all the artists jumped in and helped each other out setting up their booths and the stage. By 7:00 on Friday night Town Council President, Tom Connelly, and Pier Director, Sam Lendel officially opened the Lakefront Plaza/ Fun Pier for 1959. On Saturday morning things got going by 9:00 and went on well into Saturday night. The only slow time was between 1 and 3 when the crowds diminished due to a Travelers home game, once the game was over the crowds returned even brighter and happier thanks to a Traveler victory. Sunday saw a full day of people riding the rides on the Fun Pier, eating at the different restaurant stalls, browsing through the all the different artist stalls and listening to great, varied music on the center of the Plaza.

1959 Spring Fair



East Farewell – The high-flying Travelers were able to soar higher than the Erie Eagles on Saturday with a convincing 6-2 win. The Travelers built on their strong offensive play using their newly discovered base running expertise and their hot bats to outpace the Eagles. The Eagles, on the other hand, have started slower than other teams in the league this season and are currently 3 and 5 on the young season.
            The beautiful spring weather brought out a sold out crowd many making the short walk over from the Lakefront Plaza where the Spring Fair was taking place. A happy, friendly crowd just made it easier for the Travelers. They started off quickly, as they have been doing lately, by scoring twice in the second. The middle of the order took the credit for this first assault, Tony Dimero singled and stole second then Joey Brown moved him to third with a perfect bunt. Art Archibald drove both of them in with a well-placed double off a 3-2 fastball from Eagles pitcher, Hank Benson. Benson threw a fairly good game only giving up ten hits but they were all grouped together and produced runs. The Travelers were able to tag Benson in the fourth and eighth for two runs in each inning. Johnny Cloos was able to add to his rapidly expanding homerun total by smacking another in the eighth driving in Bobby Watson to seal the win.
            The Eagles were able to work Danny Lane for eight hits and were able to score two runs, one in the third and one in the eighth. It was not enough to stop the Travelers but Lane was not happy about his performance. “I couldn’t get into a real rhythm out there today. I was all over the place with my fastball. I’m going to have to get this back in order before next week,” he said with frustration after the game.
            Next week the Travelers go on the road to visit Monticello and take on the Vikings. The Vikings are only in their third year of existence but have jumped out to a very good start for the season, they are currently 6-1 on the season and have showed a lot of pop in their offense and have been fielding a very strong defense. The game will be an evening game in the beautiful Monticello Stadium starting at 7:30PM.



James Hoffa, president of Teamsters Union threatens a nationwide strike of all labor if Congress harnesses unions with anti-trust laws. “We can call a primary strike all across the nation that will straighten out the employers for once and for all”

In Havana, Cuba - Government officials announce the discovery of more than half a million dollars’ worth of pesos in a safe deposit box belonging to the company formed to operate the gambling casino in the Hilton Hotel there. The government froze all of the money except for a sum sufficient to pay the salaries of employees to permit continued operation of the casino.

Premier Khrushchev says the western plan for Germany laid down at Geneva “contains some matters which are worthy of examination and which we shall not oppose.” In a Kremlin speech accepting the Lenin peace prize, he called the western proposal a “so-called peace plan” because there was no peace behind it. He accused the West at Geneva of trying to provoke the Soviet Union into sharp criticism.

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of The News.

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