Thursday, May 30, 2019



Thursday, May 28, 1959   Vol. C726



East Farewell – The East Farewell Playhouse announced the opening of a Summer Stock Theater program designed for young people on Wednesday. Playhouse owners, Rick and Julie Davidson made the announcement from the Playhouse lobby. The two have been heavily invested in the community, especially the younger members since they opened the Playhouse back in 1953. They have sponsored many events throughout the years that have been focused on the younger set. Several talented students have come from the different programs, the most notable is Miss Natalie Mallard who still lives in East Farewell but has traveled to New York and Philadelphia for different acting and modeling jobs.
            “We are pleased to announce the beginning of a summer theater program that will produce and perform two plays this summer. The plays will be the classic Romeo and Juliette and the very popular Guys and Dolls,” said Julie Davidson standing next to two new show posters announcing the shows. Local try outs will be held over the weekend and the process will start after school is finished. The official opening of the program is set for Saturday June 27th. All the tryouts will be completed by then and local producer Jed Bernstein will lead the productions. The plays will be presented around the end of July and the end of August. This promises to be a wonderful summer in East Farewell.

 1959 East Farewell Playhouse



East Farewell – The error prone debacle that took place last week was only an aberration, thankfully. The Travelers rolled into Albany on Saturday morning and took the field at 1:00. The team and league record setting error prone performance from last week was not on their minds. The Travelers have been playing strong baseball, last week aside, and are currently in second place in the league standings. The Senators are only in their third year of play and are still trying to find their footing in the league. They have enjoyed some success but it has been sporadic and they have had trouble stringing more than three wins in a row. They were currently riding a two game win streak and hoped to extend that streak Saturday. That would not be the case.
            The Travelers started off scoring two runs in the first with four straight hits by Dunham, Watson, Cloos and Dimero. The defense showed up as the Travelers were able to turn two double plays and commit no errors. They also were able get back a little of the base running panache as speedy Billy Sweet was able to steal two bases creating another run scoring opportunity in the sixth. The Travelers were able to walk out of Albany with a sound 4-1 victory. It was a very positive step back from their very shaky previous outing.
            The Senators were able to put up a good defense but the Travelers were just better. Senator’s slugger, Hap Darrel, was able to smack a long homer in the fourth but Travelers pitcher, Joey Alfred was sharp, striking out 5 and only allowing 5 hits including Darrel’s homer. The Senators did not commit any errors either but they were not able to steal any bases.
            The long Travelers road trip continues next week as they head to Bear Creek and take on the Cubs. The game is on Saturday beginning at 1:30PM in the Cubs stadium.



President Eisenhower makes clear his terms for a summit conference. The Soviet Union, said the President, must accept the western powers’ right to stay in Berlin until Germany is unified.

Space Monkey Able, the larger of the two monkeys who soared 300 miles into space last week, dies while undergoing an operation for removal of a recording instrument. The instrument, implanted under its skin, provided bio-medical information during and after the space flight.

Invasion in Nicaragua - Loyal troops hurl back to rebel invasion forces and chase them through the hills of central Nicaragua. The Nicaraguan foreign office said it had “reliable reports” that three schooners carrying men and arms had left Cuba for Nicaragua to assist the rebels (a Castro assist?)

A racecar hurtling out of control at 70mph after being sideswiped plunges into a bleacher crowd at the Beverly Speedway in St Joseph, Missouri. 26 were injured - 13 seriously.

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Thursday, May 23, 2019



Thursday, May 21, 1959   Vol. C725



East Farewell – Graffiti has been showing up on the alley walls for a long time. Most of it has been simple scrawl by young miscreants and has been mostly ignored and frowned upon. Rarely have the “graffiti slingers” been caught and it seems the only ones that have been caught have been dumb enough to either use their real names or their nicknames. The penalties have included cleaning off the graffiti and repainting the walls.
            Last week graffiti in East Farewell took on a new, unusual and somewhat captivating look. On the cinder block wall behind the Lost Oasis CafĂ©/Bar a large multi-colored name showed up, Slick Rick. It was not the usual single line, scrawling nearly illegible sign. It was a very colorful design with big, block letters that were of a sort of comic book nature. Charles Wentz, owner of the Lost Oasis and its building was not happy but was visibly impressed with the work. “It must have taken him a long time and I’m surprised that no one saw him. I mean, we have people out here in the alley all night taking out the trash, taking a break and that kind of stuff. But no one saw anything. Amazing.”
            East Farewell is well known for its local artists and has long been known as a haven for the artist type. This “sign” has attracted a lot of attention from the artistic community. Many local artists have come by to both look at it and evaluate it as an “artistic piece”. The police do not look at it as art by any means. They consider it vandalism plain and simple and if they find who did it there will be consequences.
            “I certainly don’t think it is a valid outlet for art but that being said I have to say it is a very compelling creation,” said local artist, Rory Calhoun, “The mix of color and motion in the letters is very fluid. You kind of absorb the whole thing all at once.” It is very interesting, to say the least.”
            On the other hand, “Any way you look at it, it is just plain vandalism. I know some people think it is “art” but it is not it is vandalism,” said police chief, Bill Donnelly.  
            Either way you look at it there is a good chance it will be painted over within a few weeks so people will have to evaluate it on their own. Perhaps they could stop in the Lost Oasis for a bite to eat when they are in the neighborhood.

Slick Rick 1959



Monticello – The evening air was warm and clear. The field was manicured and the base paths were freshly raked. It was a beautiful night at the still new and still beautiful Monticello Stadium but it was not a beautiful evening for the Travelers who seemed to check their defense at entrance Gate. The red hot Vikings were aided by a dubious Travelers team record six errors and extended a 5 game winning streak to six with an 8-2 win.
            The Travelers ham-handed defense started in the first inning when a botched routine double play ball turned into a two run inning for the Vikings. The Travelers seemed to start to cover their mistakes by coming back in the second to tie it with a two run blast by Johnny Cloos but that was all they were able to muster. Traveler’s pitcher, Joey Alfred did not pitch a bad game, he let up nine hits but combined with the six errors the Vikings were able to score 6 unearned runs. In the fourth Bobby Watson mishandled a fairly routine throw to first that let another Viking run in. In the fifth The Vikings scored their two earned runs from a blast by their young slugger Alfonse Dimaio. The Travelers sloppy play continued in the seventh and the eighth when they committed two errors in each inning, a dropped fly and bumbled line drive in the seventh helped the Vikings score two more unearned runs and in the eighth it looked as if the Travelers need eye exams as Dale Dunham completely misplayed a one-hopper that sailed over his shoulder and then Ralph Francis ran under a fly ball that bounced behind him and rolled to the wall. The result was an embarrassing two more unearned runs.
            If the Travelers were able to get out of their own way they would have had a chance in this game but the inexcusable mistakes and amazingly inferior play doomed the squad in this game. Hopefully, they will regroup and clear their heads before next week’s game with the Albany Senators, another young team. The Travelers stay on the road and the game begins in Albany at 1:30PM on Saturday.



The United States fires two monkeys 200 miles into space and brings them back alive and well. The recovery was an important step toward putting a man in space. The intermediate range rocket hurled them into space from Cape Canaveral.   Able and Baker, a pair of pampered female monkeys, get a VIP reception in the nation’s capital after journeying 300 miles into space.

Orval Faubus suffers a major setback in Little Rock’s integration battle with the defeat of three segregationists in a school board recall election.

Customs agents smash a counter-revolutionary plot against Cuba when they arrest 11. Smugglers included a woman pilot loading a big transport plane with weapons.

The United States advises Russian Premier Khrushchev to stop threatening one-sided Soviet action in Germany if he wants current East-West talks to succeed. At the Big Four meeting in Geneva – Russia’s Andrei Gromyko tells his western colleagues that the Soviet  Union is determined to dispense with the three western military garrisons in Berlin and convert West  Berlin into a “demilitarized free city”

The regime of President Luia Somoza, menaced by increasing unrest within the country and threats of invasion from abroad, declares martial law in Nicaragua.

In passing - John Foster Dulles, former Secretary of State, loses his life to cancer. He was 71.

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of The News.

Thursday, May 16, 2019



Thursday, May 14, 1959   Vol. C724



East Farewell – The weather has been very spring like this month and that has not gone unnoticed by the Fun Pier owners, the Lendel family, who took advantage of the wonderful weather to open the Fun Pier for a sneak preview of the summer season. The Pier was opened on Friday night at the same time the Lakefront Plaza was filled with booths that restaurant and artist’s had set up for people to stroll and dine in the warm evening air. The Plaza was transformed into a wagon wheel with all the restaurants and food services around the outside and all the artists making up the spokes. In the center was a circular stage that had continuing entertainment throughout the night and all day Saturday and Sunday. It entertainment was also a bit of a preview of the Arts Festival that will be held in August.
            This was a resurrection of sorts for the Spring Festival. It was not held last year mainly due to poor, cold weather. While there was no official announcement of the Festival word spread quickly around town and all the restaurants and performers were pretty much ready to go and all the artists jumped in and helped each other out setting up their booths and the stage. By 7:00 on Friday night Town Council President, Tom Connelly, and Pier Director, Sam Lendel officially opened the Lakefront Plaza/ Fun Pier for 1959. On Saturday morning things got going by 9:00 and went on well into Saturday night. The only slow time was between 1 and 3 when the crowds diminished due to a Travelers home game, once the game was over the crowds returned even brighter and happier thanks to a Traveler victory. Sunday saw a full day of people riding the rides on the Fun Pier, eating at the different restaurant stalls, browsing through the all the different artist stalls and listening to great, varied music on the center of the Plaza.

1959 Spring Fair



East Farewell – The high-flying Travelers were able to soar higher than the Erie Eagles on Saturday with a convincing 6-2 win. The Travelers built on their strong offensive play using their newly discovered base running expertise and their hot bats to outpace the Eagles. The Eagles, on the other hand, have started slower than other teams in the league this season and are currently 3 and 5 on the young season.
            The beautiful spring weather brought out a sold out crowd many making the short walk over from the Lakefront Plaza where the Spring Fair was taking place. A happy, friendly crowd just made it easier for the Travelers. They started off quickly, as they have been doing lately, by scoring twice in the second. The middle of the order took the credit for this first assault, Tony Dimero singled and stole second then Joey Brown moved him to third with a perfect bunt. Art Archibald drove both of them in with a well-placed double off a 3-2 fastball from Eagles pitcher, Hank Benson. Benson threw a fairly good game only giving up ten hits but they were all grouped together and produced runs. The Travelers were able to tag Benson in the fourth and eighth for two runs in each inning. Johnny Cloos was able to add to his rapidly expanding homerun total by smacking another in the eighth driving in Bobby Watson to seal the win.
            The Eagles were able to work Danny Lane for eight hits and were able to score two runs, one in the third and one in the eighth. It was not enough to stop the Travelers but Lane was not happy about his performance. “I couldn’t get into a real rhythm out there today. I was all over the place with my fastball. I’m going to have to get this back in order before next week,” he said with frustration after the game.
            Next week the Travelers go on the road to visit Monticello and take on the Vikings. The Vikings are only in their third year of existence but have jumped out to a very good start for the season, they are currently 6-1 on the season and have showed a lot of pop in their offense and have been fielding a very strong defense. The game will be an evening game in the beautiful Monticello Stadium starting at 7:30PM.



James Hoffa, president of Teamsters Union threatens a nationwide strike of all labor if Congress harnesses unions with anti-trust laws. “We can call a primary strike all across the nation that will straighten out the employers for once and for all”

In Havana, Cuba - Government officials announce the discovery of more than half a million dollars’ worth of pesos in a safe deposit box belonging to the company formed to operate the gambling casino in the Hilton Hotel there. The government froze all of the money except for a sum sufficient to pay the salaries of employees to permit continued operation of the casino.

Premier Khrushchev says the western plan for Germany laid down at Geneva “contains some matters which are worthy of examination and which we shall not oppose.” In a Kremlin speech accepting the Lenin peace prize, he called the western proposal a “so-called peace plan” because there was no peace behind it. He accused the West at Geneva of trying to provoke the Soviet Union into sharp criticism.

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of The News.

Thursday, May 9, 2019



Thursday, May 7, 1959   Vol. C723



East Farewell – The Reese Farm Links opened officially for the season on Saturday and showed off some improvements in the Clubhouse and some almost invisible but very important enhancements to the grounds. A new sprinkler system was installed over the winter and the ground has grown in nicely. Groundskeeper Stanley Pupeck also showed off his “command center” in the new Groundskeeper House (shack) that made it able to control watering all across the course from one location. Having the ability to select areas for special attention and not water wet areas should make for a much more balanced course. In the Club House there was a new floor in the dining room and the bar was sporting new lighting. While the improvements were more on the subtle side they added a fresh, clean look to the clubhouse.
        The 4th Annual Reese Farm Golf tournament is scheduled for August. As many have stated the scheduling is all off, while the traditional golf season takes place in the spring the RFGT takes place in the heat of August. Reese Farms President Jim Gauge has repeatedly stated that the tournament will stay in August citing the massive availability of paid attendance due to vacationing spectators. He also noted that more celebrities are available at that time. Ken Venturi, Tommy Bolt and Doug Ford have played in the tournament. Golf legends Ben Hogan and Bobby Jones are usually on hand for the tournament ceremonies. Jones helped design the course with master designer Robert Trent Jones taking the lead. The course has been noted in many national golf magazines. It is and according to the Town Council will always be a public course dedicated to the pleasure and benefit of the public.
            The new season is open and the course looks beautiful. Many foursomes will get to experience the new grounds and greens for the next few months.

Stanley Pupeck’s sprinkler system at Reese Farms



Youngstown- The Travelers put on a base running clinic on Saturday when they stole a record seven bases on the Steelers pitching staff. It was the most stolen bases in one game in the team’s history. The Steelers tried without success to stop the skullduggery but to no avail. They changed pitchers twice, using almost their whole bullpen and they could not arrest the vandals on the base path. The steals were not by only one Traveler either. Amazingly, five different Travelers were in on the crime. Ralph Francis and Billy Sweet were the main gangsters with two swipes apiece and then Artie Archibald, Tony Dimero and Dale Dunham got in on the misconduct with one each. The Steelers were caught by surprise to say the least. The Travelers were able to pull off two double steals and a suicide squeeze, unheard of in the league chronicles. The Travelers won the game handily, 9-2.
            The Travelers fun started in the first inning Dunham stole second was moved over to third by a Watson single. The Johnny Cloos came up and drove him in with a long single to left. Then Dimero singled loading the bases. The Steelers pitcher, Hank Raines, buckled down and was able to hold the Travelers to only one run that inning. The Steelers had some false hopes raised. The Travelers would not leave any more players stranded in the game.
            The Travelers picked up a glitch in Raines delivery and were able to take advantage of it from the second inning until he was replaced in the fifth inning. Dunham first picked it up and passed it on to the rest of the team in the dugout. Apparently, Raines had a slight stall in his motion that gave an almost indiscernible pause before his delivery giving the baserunner an advantage and a jump on his delivery. The fastest Travelers were able to take advantage of this and forced the Steelers to change pitchers in the fifth then again in the eighth. Not even the fastest baserunner will be able to steal a base if he doesn’t get on base first and solid hitting was truly the key to this win. The Travelers were able to get hits in every inning and were helped with three Steelers errors.
            The Travelers scoring corruptions started in the first inning but took off in the second and third innings and then again in the sixth and eighth. The second inning saw a double steal by Sweet and Francis and a 3 run double by Bobby Watson. The third saw the second double steal by Dimero and Archibald that not only completely deflated the Steelers but also resulted in 3 more runs. The promis sixth had Steelers relief pitcher, Mark Finnian, in a bind from the start and the Travelers were able to steal a base off him and tack on another run. Finally in the eighth the Steelers brought in their last reliever, Jose Delgada, who was able to finish the game but let in one last insult that added to the injury, a blast by Johnny Cloos that left the field over the center field wall.  
            The only Steelers bright spot was the seventh inning when they were able to score two runs with a long, soaring drive to left by slugger Delran White with Tommy Smits on base. That was the only slip up by Travelers pitcher, Billy Green, who was otherwise very sharp striking out 7 and only giving up six hits all scattered throughout the innings.
            The suddenly red-hot Travelers return home next week to face the Erie Eagles. The game starts at 1:00 on Saturday at the ballpark.



Secretary of State Christian Herter makes a promise to work for reunification of Germany at the Big Four foreign ministers’ conference in Geneva. Secretary of State Christian Herter and Soviet Foreign Minister Gromyko fly into Geneva for the forthcoming foreign minister’s conference and in airport statements, they agreed at least on hopes for reducing international tension.

Sir Winston Churchill bids friends goodbye at Idlewild Airport, on his way back to England. “Ladies and gentleman, I must now leave you and return to Britain, my other country. I have had a happy stay in the United States and I have been touched, much touched by the warmth of your welcome. My great friend, President Eisenhower has made my stay in America a memorable one. We hold him in great regard throughout Britain. With my old friends, I have talked of many of our problems and I do not think that our views are a great deal different.”

President Eisenhower welcomes King Baudouin of Belgian. He’s here on a 20- day visit.

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of The News.

Thursday, May 2, 2019



Thursday, April 30, 1959   Vol. C722


East Farewell – Everyone in East Farewell has heard the story of Bernie and Sue. The two young riders of the brand new public transit system back in 1955 who fell in love on the streetcar became the talk of the town when their story got out, wed in 1957 and, fittingly, on February 14th welcomed daughter Kathleen as East Farewell’s first 1959 Valentine’s Day baby, born at 3:02AM in the General Hospital. There were two other babies born on the 14th, both girls and they will all share the most romantic birthday of the year.
            Bernie and Sue first met on the Route 1 street car back in 1955 riding to their respective jobs at the Iron Works and Sam’s Deli. Their trips were both the longest on the route. Bernie got on first and when Sue got on there was only one seat left, next to Bernie. They struck a conversation and as they say, the rest is history. They were married in May of 1956 and both continued their jobs but in spring of 1958 Sue broke the news to Bernie that she was expecting.
            “We were all so excited when we heard the news,” said Mrs. Mallard from Lakeshore Drive, “They are like family to us and Bernie being a war vet had some tough times but he pulled through it and got back on track and now he is a happy, excited father. This is just wonderful news.”
            So, as spring comes to East Farewell the Route 1 Transit car makes its usual trek from the beginning to the end of the Transit Line and perhaps there is another young man sitting alone in the last vacant seat and perhaps a pretty young woman will get on and take the seat and another public transit romance will be born. Perhaps.

Route 1 Streetcar where the magic happened



Cedar Creek – It was the first road game for the Travelers this season and they seem to have forgotten a bit of their past when they played all their games on the road before they built Travelers Stadium in 1954. There are still some players on the team who remember those times but most have retired, have been traded or moved up to the majors. All the history had little bearing on Saturday’s game. The Cedar Creek Bulls handed the Travelers their first defeat of the season, 7-3.
            Things stared poorly for the Travelers usually hit skimping pitcher, Billy Green who let in 3 first inning runs by way of two hits and a long homerun by Bulls slugger Matt Cashman. After the first inning Green was able to settle down but in the sixth and seventh he struggled again letting two runs each inning. The Travelers were able to answer in the first by tying it up with 3 runs accomplished in an ironically similar fashion, two hits and a homer by Johnny Cloos. That is where the similarity ended, though. The Travelers were sluggish on the fields and committed and unheard of three errors in the last three innings. They did not seem to have the usual spark that carries them.
            “We looked like old men out there today,” said Cloos after the game, “Now some of us are the youngest kids on the field but we should be a lot quicker than that. We will have to talk about this lack of gumption and get this straightened out.”
            Let’s hope so. The Travelers stay on the road next week as they travel to Youngstown to meet the Steelers. The game begins at 1:30PM at Youngstown Stadium.



Sir Winston Churchill begins a four-day reunion with President Eisenhower in Washington. Churchill tells spectators upon his arrival: “I shall not say as most people who travel around the world seem to do - which is to say everything that they think”

Tass announces that Nikita Khrushchev is awarded a Lenin Peace Prize for 1958. Another winner included an American “Negro,” William Dubois, 91 year-old editor and writer of Brooklyn. Of Khrushchev, the agency said “his activities in favor of peace personified most fully and strikingly the peaceable policy of the Soviet socialist state.”

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