Thursday, April
16, 1959 Vol. C720
East Farewell- The Playhouse announced its 1959 schedule this
week. Every year the Playhouse tries to add new and current plays to its lineup
while keeping the always popular standbys that are always guaranteed sellouts
and extremely popular within the community. This balancing act sometimes
creates a problem because there are only so many slots on the schedule. The
schedule will open with the always popular Guys and Dolls in May. This is a
month earlier than last year, increasing the production schedule from seven to
eight. Each month will have a new show, June will be another favorite, Romeo
and Juliet followed by a new effort, The Flower Drum Song, the Rodgers and
Hammerstein hit straight from Broadway. July will see the production of My Fair
Lady followed by Paint Your Wagon in August. September will offer West Side
Story and October will see a new version of Hamlet. Hamlet is probably going to
be the most ambitious production for the Playhouse yet, but producer, Jeb
Bernstein thinks it is time to take on the project. “We are going into our seventh
year and we have all learned a lot. This is a good time to try and stretch out
our wings a bit. I think the town is ready for it, too.”
After Hamlet,
the season will close with two all-time favorites, Auntie Mame in November and
ending with the local classic A Christmas Carol. This year it is rumored that
the great Leo G. Carroll will once again reprise his role as Scrooge making his
performance a lasting part of this tradition. The schedule will be posted
around town and at the Playhouse itself as well as here in this publication.
The schedule announcement came at the pre-season opening party hosted by Rick
and Julie Davidson at their beautiful lakefront home. This has become one of
the most anticipated social events in town after the Davidsons invited all the
sponsors and patrons of the Playhouse to a cocktail party back in 1953 to try
to raise money for the then struggling Playhouse. Everyone who attended
enthusiastically supported the Playhouse and the many theater oriented programs
the Davidsons were proposing. Among the proposals was a cooperative program
with the Regional High Drama Department that enabled and enlisted high
schoolers, mostly seniors, to participate in the local productions. Producer
Jeb Bernstein has praised the students many times for their dedication and
talent. Many of the past student-actors attended the party and were greeted
with star-like appreciation from the many season ticket holders and patrons.
One particular local celebrity was Miss Natalie Mallard, who played
many roles in many productions throughout the years but is probably remembered
most for her role as the most fetching Mrs. Clause ever in the 1956
Thanksgiving Day Parade.
The Playhouse
has been receiving some improvements like new paint in the lobby and some
plumbing upgrades but it will be ready for opening night, May, 2nd.
The beautiful
lobby of the Playhouse
East Farewell – The
Travelers opened their 1959 season against arch rival Slate Mountain Miners on
Saturday and were able to squeeze out a 1-0 win in a terrific pitcher’s
classic. Both teams rolled out their aces for opening day. The Travelers had
perfect game pitcher, Joe Nagy while the Miners sent last season’s game winner
and strikeout king, Tony “Michael” Angelo. Both pitchers looked strong and in
control and delivered dazzling performances totaling a combined strikeout total
of 20, a new league record. The fans came expecting a pitcher’s duel and they
got one. Neither team put a man on base until the fourth inning when Miners
second baseman, George Dash was able to sneak a single through between Dunham
and Archibald but he was left stranded as Nagy quickly regained his form and
struck out the next batter, Welsh. The Travelers fared no better, they went
without a baserunner until the sixth when Bobby Watson was able to smack an
Angelo fastball into center. Perhaps that threw Angelo’s concentration off just
a bit because he walked Cloos next. Angelo struck out Dimero then Joey Brown
laid down an almost perfect bunt to advance the runners. Arthur Archibald came
up with two outs and men on second and third. Angelo took him to 3-2 but
Archibald fouled off three pitches, obviously seeing the ball. Finally Angelo
threw a low and outside fastball that was clearly strike three but Archibald
reached down and in one of the ugliest swings seen since little league he was
able to poke the ball down the first baseline and over the head of first
baseman, Jimmy Regal. Watson scampered home but Cloos was held at third. Angelo
went on to strike out Billy Sweet and end the inning, but the Travelers had
broken the ice.
The Miners were
able to put runners on in the eight and the ninth but strong Traveler defense
keep them from scoring. The Travelers were unable to generate any more offense
after their sixth inning surge and went quietly for the rest of the game. The
game itself was a very quick game, just over three hours but the fans were not
disappointed the pitching matchup delivered a wonderful opening to another
baseball season in East Farewell. Next week’s game is against the Riverview
Anglers. The game begins at 1:30 in the Ballpark.
NBC-TV’s “Meet the Press” - Prime Minister Fidel Castro said his
provisional Cuban government “does not want to stay in power one minute
longer than is necessary before having free elections.” Castro told his TV
questioners it might be four years before Cuba holds free elections. He had
said previously that elections would be held in two years. He also said his
next reform would be agrarian reform. He said his government would
“expropriate legally’ uncultivated or badly cultivated land. Only by this
means, he said, can Cuba hope to create an internal market and put to work its
700,000 unemployed. He said his lengthy talk with Richard Nixon - originally
scheduled for 15 minutes - had been ‘very friendly’ Defying threats Castro went
on a handshaking autograph signing stroll through the streets of Washington. He
made a particularly big hit with 43 visiting students from Clayton High, St.
Louis, who surged around him as he left the Cuban embassy. He kept pausing to
chat with them and sign autographs.
revolution breaks out in La Paz, Bolivia but the government said it was
quickly crushed with 22 dead and more than 50 wounded. The rightist Bolivian
Socialist Falange, main opposition to the Nationalist Revolutionary Movement of
President Hernan Siles Zuazo, led the revolt.
Union president James Hoffa admits that his plans for a combine of land-sea-air
transportation unions would give him “great power.” “I seek the necessary
power to get for working members what they are entitled to economically. This
is not political’ it is big business. The rights of organized labor must be
Eisenhower formally presents the Robert A. Taft memorial bell tower on the
Capitol grounds to Congress.
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