Thursday, July 10,
1958 Vol. C680
East Farewell – The 4th of July was once again
celebrated in town with a magnificent fireworks display presented by Fireworks
International, the same group that presented last year’s spectacular event.
This year they tried a new platform for launching the fireworks. They brought
in a huge barge and floated it out into the middle of Lake Charles and set the
fireworks off from the barge. This made viewing excellent from almost any place
along the lake’s shore. It was an awe-inspiring display, even bigger and
brighter than last year’s record setting display. This year there were over
1,000 fireworks set off in the fifteen minute display. That averages out to
about 10 a minute and the sky was full of exploding carnations, sparkling rain
and beautiful multi-bursts.
The town hosted
many out of towners who have made it a tradition to come for the show and take
a vacation at the same time. This year with the 4th falling on a
Friday the event was held on Friday night after sundown. The day and evening
was full of 4th of July civic events like a reading of the
Declaration of Independence on the Lakefront Plaza in the late afternoon. All
the shops and restaurants stayed open even after the fireworks display and
welcomed many visitors to dine and stroll down Main Street. The unofficial
estimate of the crowd was over 8,500, there will probably be a higher total
once all the local residents report guest they may have had. Parties around the
lake were numerous; every lakefront property was decked out with patriotic
flags and streamers. Most of the off-shore homes were decorated, too. The barge
shooting off the fireworks brought many boaters out on the lake to watch. Boats
from the fairly expensive and exotic down to the simplest rowboats and canoes
floated all around the lake which may have turned out to be the best viewing
The spectacular
fireworks tradition has gotten noticed all across the region and many, many
people have put it on the calendars as their mid-summer must attend
viewed from the deck of a local yacht
East Farewell – The Travelers continued their losing ways last
Saturday as they lost to the league leading Slate Mountain Miners and their
pitching ace, Tony “Michael” Angelo, 4-0. This was the Travelers first shutout
all season. Angelo was very sharp, striking out 11 Travelers. The only hits the
Travelers had were four singles throughout the game mostly with two outs in the
inning. The Miners, on the other hand, were able to pepper pitcher, Danny Lane
with nine hits including a two run homer from Nick Cantina, the Miners new
slugger. Lane also gave up five walks and the defense committed two errors.
The stands were
full for this game. Falling on July 5th the town was hosting a 4th
of July celebration and there were many fans from Slate Mountain in town for
the fireworks. The Travelers usually almost sell out their home games but with
their current losing streak it seemed some fair-weather fans have stayed home
leaving unused tickets for the Slate Mountain fans. It seemed the distribution
of fans was about even this game which did not help the Travelers who are used
to a rousing home team advantage when playing at home.
“This is
totally unacceptable,” said Travelers slugger, Johnny Cloos, after the game,
“We are much better than this and I don’t like it. I don’t like losing and I
know our fans don’t like it either. We are going to have meeting in the locker
room and get to the bottom of this. We are going to turn things around. I
promise you that.”
He then went
into the locker room and the door was closed tight. We will have to wait and
see what comes out of that meeting. Perhaps we will get an answer next week
when the Travelers travel to Riverview to face the Anglers. The Anglers have
been struggling also so there is a chance that the Travelers will start to get
back on track and climb out of the cellar. The game begins at 1:30 in Riverview
of State Dulles completes his one-day visit with Premier de Gaulle and learns
France plans to build atomic weapons whether or not it receives U.S. nuclear
Supreme Court refuses to short cut usual procedures and rule directly on an
appeal from an order suspending desegregation in Little Rock. It said it was sure the U.S. Court of Appeals
in St. Louis would act on the appeals “in ample time” to permit arrangements to
be made for the next school year. In another action, the court struck down a
$100 thousand fine levied against the NAACP by an Alabama judge, who imposed
the fine in 1956. Circuit Judge Walter Jones imposed the fine on the ground the
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People was in contempt of
court for failing to comply with an order to produce a list of its members. The
judge also barred the NAACP from doing business in Alabama.
Senate votes to make Alaska the 49th State. This will put the Union some 55 miles
from the Russian Siberia.
Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees play to a 3-3 tie when the11:59pm Saturday
night curfew halts play at the top of the 11th inning. The Sox had scored 2
runs extra, but under American league rules the score reverted back to the
previous full inning as goes on the books as a tie.
Many, many
thanks to https://www.facebook.com/mrpopculture/ for
contributing to this section of the East Farewell News.
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