Thursday, July 13, 2017



Thursday, July 11, 1957   Vol. C628



East Farewell – The annual Fourth of July fireworks display dazzled an estimated 8000 visitors and town folk. The mid-summer evening was spectacular for viewing the wonderful display presented by Fireworks International with the local fire company standing by in case of any problems. There were no problems and the display can only be said to have been fabulous. New firework explosions were set off this year and according to F.I. owner, Geraldo Massi, this was the debut of several new events. “We were actually shooting some brand new displays here because it is such a great place to set off our displays. The area is great, shooting out over the lake and the fire department here is just great. They help us out a whole lot. You don’t see what they do but they are there in the background taking care to be sure that everything moves ahead without a hitch,” said Massi after the event.
            The whole weekend was a party like atmosphere with a Friday evening “stroll” down Main and Lakeshore Drive. All the restaurants and shops stayed open late and many put tables and some of their wares out on the sidewalk so the town resembled a big sidewalk bizarre with cafes to stop and chat with neighbors and friends. On Saturday the Travelers took on the Bear Creek Cubs in an afternoon game that had an Independence Day theme with fife and drum and Minutemen marching around the field during the seventh inning stretch. The game was a sellout with many Riverview fans that came not only for the game but also for the fireworks display after the game. The game started late (3:05PM) and lasted until 6:45. Once the game ended it seemed the entire ballpark moved out and onto Main Street and Lakeshore Drive. Many were able to grab a bite to eat but many moved right on to Lakefront Plaza and onto the Fun Pier to secure their places for viewing the fireworks display. The High School Pep band played several numbers before the display and as dusk was turning into night they opened the display with a rousing version of the ‘Stars and Stripes Forever’ followed by a very respectable rendition of the National anthem. The first display was a carnation explosion that seemed to fill the whole sky. The display went on from there accompanied by a musical sound track supplied by the Pep Band. This year the Lakefront Plaza was used for an extensive ‘ground display’ that involved giant pinwheels, roman candles and an assortment of flags, animals and vehicles igniting peels of excitement from the crowd.

            On Sunday the Fun Pier was open and many folks stayed over and enjoyed the near perfect weather riding the rides and wandering down the midway. Others found their way back into town a strolled down Main Street and Lakeshore Drive widow shopping and talking with others.

Ground display 7/4/1957



East Farewell – The Travelers were able to make the Fourth of July game a winner in every way on Saturday. They not only defeated the Bear Creek Cubs. 4-1, but they also put on a wonderful show during the game in honor of Independence Day. The win was the second this season over the Cubs. The Travelers opened the season with a win against them and they continued the trend on Saturday. It wasn’t until the third inning that either team was able to get on base. Perhaps the pregame “Salute to America” with a brief concert by the High School Pep Band with an enormous American Flag unfurled across the field, or maybe it was the Presidents parade that delivered the ball to the mound for the first pitch, either way both teams did not seem to have their minds on the game in the early innings. There were three errors, a passed ball and two wild pitches in the first three innings. The sold out crowd was amused at the Keystone Kops type play probably because there was a two for one beer offer for the first three innings the beverage station was swamped.
            Things sort of settled down by the bottom of the third when the Travelers were able to string together three hits back to back by Watson, Cloos and Dimero. Dimero’s single scored Watson but that was all the Travelers could muster. The Cubs answered in the fifth with a solo homer by Dash. The seventh inning stretch had another event/distraction when a group of Minutemen and a fife and drum trio marched around the field playing Yankee Doodle Dandy. In the eighth the Travelers ‘erupted’ with a three run rally with five hits and long, out of the park homer run by Johnny Cloos, his 15th on the season. The Cubs were unable to generate any more offense after Dash’s homer. The crowd did not seem to mind the lackluster play and as the game ended most of the fans streamed out before the last out and headed town for the fireworks display.
            The Travelers travel to take on the Erie Eagles. The game begins at 1:05 on Saturday in Erie’s beautiful Lakeview Stadium.



The Public Health Service takes the official position that there was “increasing and consistent evidence” that “excessive cigarette smoking is one of the causative factors of lung cancer.” This changed an official pronouncement in 1954 that cited some evidence of statistical association between the two, but left open the question of cause-and-effect relationship.  Leroy Burney, the Surgeon General, simultaneously began a nationwide informational campaign on this subject. His report says there is an extremely high association between heavy smoking and lung cancer. The statement was challenged immediately by Dr. Clarence Cook Little, chairman of the Scientific Advisory board to the Tobacco Industry Research Committee. He said that three years of research by his group “has produced no evidence that cigarette smoking or other tobacco use contributes to the origin of lung cancer.”

Soviet Communist Boss Khrushchev calls President Eisenhower’s report on the possibility of a “clean” hydrogen bomb stupid. “President Eisenhower is a talented man of great principles, but look at what a stupid thing he says when he says there is a clean hydrogen bomb.” “How can you have a clean bomb to do a dirty thing? It means the destruction of women and children. What a contradiction? They call dirty things clean,” said Khrushchev. In other Russian news, Moscow radio says ex-Premier Georgi Malenkov has been made manager of a hydroelectric plant in East Kazakhstan in remote central Asia. Soviet leaders deposed with him last week and he has been assigned to unspecified other work.

President Eisenhower orders Federal agencies to try to trim almost 2 billion dollars from his original budget requests for the current fiscal year.

Producer Michael Todd and his expectant wife, Elizabeth Taylor return from a European trip cooing like newlyweds and pooh-poohing columnists’ reports of spats on the trip.  Todd said neither took seriously published predictions that the marriage would not last another six months.

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