Thursday, January 12, 2017



Thursday, January 10, 1957   Vol. C602



East Farewell – The winter has finally arrived in East Farewell. Over the last week temperatures have plummeted more the 30 degrees and have hovered in the 20 degree range for the last five days. On top of the cold temperatures the area has seen its first measurable snowfall with five inches falling in the last three days. Most people were expecting the snow thanks to the new weather forecast system that was unveiled at the beginning of the year. The National Weather Service initiated a National Hurricane Research Project and has expanded its ability to track storms and forecast future weather patterns with regularly-scheduled operational computer forecasts. All this was begun by the Joint Numerical Forecast Unit. The Weather Bureau has become a pioneer civilian user of computers along with the Census Bureau in Commerce.
            The new snow and anticipated additional increased accumulation has the Snow Sculptures Festival back on track. It was originally postponed from early December to an undetermined time in hopes that there would be some useable accumulation sometime during the season. Of course, there was never any real concern that the area would go without any significant snowfall but there was a bit of concern when the temperatures hit almost 50 degrees in mid December. The current drop in temperatures and significant snowfall has put most everyone back on track to planning the festival.
            Another closely watched local process is the freezing of Lake Charles. Normally by this time the Lake has been frozen solid for at least three weeks. Not so this year. The lake is still unfrozen but with the drop in temperatures many are watching the lake closely. Officials have set very strict standards before people are allowed to ventures out on the ice for any reason. In the past the lake has turned into a playground for everyone in town ranging from ice-fishing to hockey to just silly and fun games on the ice. Most people feel the ice thickness should be several inches and over 85% of the lake should be frozen before any people are allowed on the ice. The general consensus is that if the temperatures stay below freezing and the forecast indicates that with even colder temperatures in the immediate future.



Fort Lee – Fresh off their Christmas Tournament stunning win the Cougars traveled to Fort Lee to take on what they thought would be a fairly easy game against a Fort Lee. There was a surprise in the wings when the Cougars tipped off on Friday. The Captains came out with a very aggressive game plan, isolating center Wilson Watson and double teaming the guards denying them control of the court. This was a surprise for the Cougars who faced the Captains in the first round of the tournament. The tournament meeting was a fairly one sided affair tilting to the Cougars who won 48-44. The Captains came out to change the critic’s opinions with a very strong defense and a fast break offense which they deployed with mixed results. The defense was, at first very effective, finally figured out by the Cougars and the Captains ran out of steam on their fast break in the final quarter. The Cougars were able to seal the victory 54-50 with the Cougars only taking the lead in the last three minutes.
            Cougar senior forwards, Tom O’Hare and Billy Reilly, both stepped up to the defensive wrinkle and took the game into their hands as they worked the outside and set up many shots from about 10 feet out. They were able to draw the tough defenders away from the middle and dump the ball into Watson for a score. They also showed great floor skills in working the ball around the outside and moving in what seemed like a continuous counter revolving circle passing the ball with crisp accuracy. O’Hare ended up with 18 points but more importantly he has 13 assists. Reilly led all scorers with 22 points and contributed 10 assists along with 10 rebounds making him the first Cougar to get a triple double since the legendary Bill Donahue from the championship 1953 team.
            The Captains led almost the entire first half and ended with a 26-20 lead. The Cougars went into halftime somewhat shaken by the surprising tenacity of the Captains both on offense and defense. Coach Wilson must have said something very inspiring to the boys in the locker room because the second half Cougars were a different team. They came out and immediately tied the score within the first nine minutes of the second half. The game went back and forth from there and came down to the last three minutes when the Cougars took control and the Captains were simply tired out. Their frantic pace took its tool and the Cougars, an old more experienced team were able to capitalize. They pulled ahead with the final four points and set up a smothering defense that shut the Captains down for the last minute.
            The Cougars stay on the road next week as they travel to Southport to take on the Hawks. The Friday game begins at 4:00 in the Southport High Gymnasium.



In a short state of the union speech - President Eisenhower urges U.S. business and labor to exercise “self-discipline” on new wage and price increases to combat inflation. The president proclaimed, “America’s vital interests are worldwide, embracing both hemispheres and every continent.”

Senator John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts wins out over Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee for a seat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - a major surprise because Kefauver has four years seniority over the young senator. “I am disappointed but I am interested to learn that apparently seniority is a rule that may or may-not be applied.”

Queen Elizabeth summons Sir Winston Churchill to Buckingham Palace.  Sources say she wants his advice on a choice for new Prime Minister. Later on, Harold Macmillan - Chancellor of the Exchequer, was chosen as the new Prime Minister Of Britain by the Queen. He succeeds Anthony Eden who served for 21 months. Eden resigned due to poor health.

Decca Records says it has “record” profits due to lot sales in 1956. Sales for the year are estimated to be $26 million - up from $22.6 million in 1955. Universal Pictures - 80% of common stock is owned by Decca was also up. Most of the sales came from Long Plays - but Decca scored several major hit singles including “Moonglow” and “Theme From Picnic” - by Morris Stoloff and “See You Later, Alligator” - by Bill Haley and the Comets.

Roy (Campy) Campanella will take a pay cut with the Brooklyn Dodgers. His salary is sliced to $37,500 from $42,000. The Dodger catcher’s batting average slipped from .318 in 1955 to .219. The slip was attributed to a hand injury “It hurt every time I even picked up a bat.” Dodger pitcher Carl Erskine will also take a pay cut.

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