Friday, May 20, 2016



Thursday, May 17, 1956   Vol. C568



East Farewell-After weeks of public questions, cancelled news conferences, rampant rumors and fretful hand wringing the Iron Works has announced that they will not be closing, moving or downsizing in any way, at least not until 1958.  Charles Lumeier, company president, made the announcement to the public and press on Tuesday.  The announcement sent a wave of relief through the East Farewell community.  The Iron Works is one of the largest employers in the region as well as a huge source of tax revenue for the town.  The Iron Works will continue to supply rails for the Mighty Keystone Railroad as well as many other special iron orders for other transport systems and building firms.  Lumeier was very enthusiastic about the announcement, trying to put to rest the rumors and innuendos about the solvency of the company. He was slightly less enthusiastic when asked for the plans out past 1958, when the union contract comes up for renewal.  “We are concentrating on the here and now and making the best product for the best price as well as serving the community.  When that time rolls around we will be prepared to face that situation.”
            East Farewell has been in the rumor mill since the news broke three weeks ago about the possible shut down of the Iron Works.  The IW has been a part of East Farewell since East Farewell was founded in 1913.  Originally, East Farewell was a tourist destination that was designed and financed by the Lawson brothers with the blessing and support of the Mighty Keystone Railroad.  The railroad needed a terminal halfway between New York/ Philadelphia and Chicago to supply rails and track supplies.  East Farewell offered a prime location as well as a bucolic getaway for the railroad executives and high ranking employees.  The Iron Works was finished in 1915 and has been a stable and productive member of the community ever since.



East Farewell- In a rare stumble the Travelers were shut down and shutout by arch-rival Slate Mountain Miners, 3-0. There was no pep in the team or in the bats that were so intimidating last week. Not only did the Travelers not score a run, they did not get a hit until the fourth inning. Miner’s pitcher, Gene Ford, was remarkable, pitching the entire game and only allowing four hits and no runner advanced beyond second base. The rookie pitcher was only in his third start for the Miners and looked like he was a seasoned veteran. Throughout the game he rarely went deep in the count and whenever he gave up a hit he seemed to buckle down even harder for the next batter. The Travelers struggled to connect with his fastball and fell for his high outside curve all day long.
            The Travelers pitcher, Danny Lane, pitched a good game but let up a two run slam in the third to Miners big bat, Harry Topper. Things started to get away from him in the eighth when he let three straight hits fall in for the third and final run. The defense was fine but not stellar. The Travelers did not turn any double plays for only the third time this year but they did not commit any errors.
            It was quite a surprise for the fans to see such a lackluster performance from their beloved team. No excuses or explanations were given by the team or the coach after the game. The next game is home against the newest team in the league, the Monticello Vikings. The game begins at 1:30PM at the ball field.



At a commencement at Baylor College in Waco, President Eisenhower said European Union seems “nearer now than in centuries” to a union and called communism “a gigantic failure” but said “even this mighty nation is not wholly immune” from its threat.

Adlai Stevenson gets a close victory over Tennessee’s Senator Estes Kefauver in the Democratic Presidential primary in Florida.  More primary - Stevenson does it again in Oregon with a victory over Kefauver in their Oregon write-in test.

For its first year of operation ending July 1 -Disneyland will write-off $3 million and still show a substantial profit. Revenue from rides, attractions and concessions plus daily attendance are nearly matching early predictions.

TV wife Audrey Meadows of “The Honeymooners” weds Washington real estate agent Randolph Rouse. Jackie Gleason wasn’t invited. A Gleason aid did say the comedian received a telegram saying: “Dear Ralph - so sorry, but I’m becoming a bigamist today, marrying Randy Rouse. Love, Alice.”  The ceremony was performed by the bride’s father, Rev. Francis James Meadows Cotter. Meadows and Gleason will continue to appear together in shows this fall.

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