Thursday, April 24, 2014



Thursday, April 21, 1955   Vol. C759



East Farewell- Late Monday night many citizens of East Farewell experienced an extra terrestrial phenomenon for the second time in five years.  There was a reported UFO sighting over Lake Charles starting at 9:47 PM.  Numerous members of the community witnessed a “large, glowing, round disc” that appeared to hover over Lake Charles for about one minute, drop down to water level without quite touching the water then streak away at “an incredible speed.”   This is the second sighting of a UFO in the area. The last was in July of 1952.  That sighting was never explained and it appears this most recent one was either the same visitors or a similar object.  The Air Force was notified along with the National Guard and of course, all the local police forces. 
            “It was amazing!  This big, white light just hovered over the lake and then shot away like it was getting chased by a junkyard dog!” exclaimed excited town resident, Bernie James.  Many others were on the shore of Lake Charles and witnessed the object.  “Wow!  I saw the one last time, but this one was much bigger and brighter.  It seemed faster, too,” said Mrs. Mallard, local owner of a boarding house on Lake Shore Drive, “My daughter, Natalie, was on the front porch and she was the first to point it out.”

            Normally the Air Force would investigate claims of UFO sightings but it has made a statement that it will allow local agencies to do the preliminary investigations. Tom Connelly, Town Council President, will be the point man on the local investigation.  “We will be looking into this and we will try to get statements from anyone who saw the object.  It was a pretty fascinating and scary event to happen around here in a long time, well at least since 1952 when it seems we were also visited.  I guess they like it here.  I’m not surprised, we are the Destination Station,” he said with a smile.  

Artists’ rendition of UFO Sighting



East Farewell- It is with great anticipation that the town awaits the beginning of another baseball season.  This year is exceptional because the Travelers will no longer be homeless.  The team will begin the season next week in their brand new ball park, Travelers Field.  The park was completed last month and will be dedicated next week before the opening game on Saturday.  After much debate, lights were added so night games could be played.  Many in town felt the lights would spoil the pristine, rustic feel of the lakefront.  Others supported the lighting citing the other parks in the league and the idea that night baseball is a generally accepted notion across the country.
            This year the Travelers have high hopes of capturing another league championship.  Their last one was in 1952 but this year they have a very strong base returning including the towns favorite slugger, Johnny Cloos, along with the double-play maestros, Dunham, Archibald and Watson.  The pitching staff is also full of returning power, Alfred, Nagy and Lane.  This year manager Sam Fowler is counting on the experience and team unity to bring home the championship.
            Next week the Travelers will host Corning in a debut matchup.  Corning is also picked to finish at the top of the league so the game has great written all over it.  The game starts at 1:30.  The festivities begin at 12:00.  Gates will open at 11:00 to allow fans to take a look around at the new park.



President Eisenhower unveils plans to send a new atomic-powered merchant ship around the globe in a dramatic demonstration of America’s determination to win “a just and lasting peace.” The new vessel, the President said, will travel thousands of miles without refueling and “will demonstrate to people everywhere this peacetime use of atomic energy, harnessed for the improvement of human living.”

President Eisenhower plainly states that the United States will gladly talk with Red China about “anything that doesn’t affect the Chinese Nationalists” in order to ease world tensions.

At the White House - Dr. Jonas Salk (40), discoverer of the polio vaccine, meets President Eisenhower but it was the President who thanked him. “When I think of the thousands and thousands of parents, and grandparents who are hereafter to be spared so much anxiety and grief, I have no words to express adequately my thanks,” said the President to Dr. Salk.

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