Thursday, November
12, 1953 Vol. C438
East Farewell – There was a ceremony held at the newly refurbished
War Memorial yesterday honoring all the veterans that fought for the
country. The High School Marching Band
played several numbers by the Memorial. Flowers were place at the memorial by
grade school students from the second and third grades. A list of the soldiers
from town who gave the ultimate sacrifice was read by Tom Conally, Town Council
President, and there was a moment of silence observed. The ceremony concluded
with a twenty-one gun salute and a moving solo rendition of Taps by senior
student bugler, Rory Tasker.
All 21
surviving Korean War vets as well as 39 WWII vets and 1 WWI vet were on hand to
take part in the ceremony. The four sons who never returned from the Korean War
were solemnly remembered: Frank Norris, Billy Doyle, David Washington and Ricky
Reynolds had their names engraved on the Memorial and their families were
presented with special bouquets from the Town Council and the all the people in
town. The names of all of the fallen are immortalized on the memorial and each
Armistice Day they are honored by a grateful community.
Tasker plays Taps at Memorial
East Farewell – Young Joe McKay was sterling in an exciting win
on Saturday, 24-21. The Cougars were able to win their last game of the season
and end their season with a respectable 5-3 season. This game was extra
satisfying because it was over their arch-rival, the Slate Mountain Miners. The
rivalry goes back to the twenties when both towns were just developing and
their schools had just been established. The schools have played each other
every year since 1925 except for 1945. The record stands at close at 14 wins
for the Cougars and 13 for the Miners.
The game
started badly for the Cougars with a kickoff return by Miners, George Dingle.
After they kicked the extra point the score was 7-0 and only two minutes had
elapsed. But the Cougars were not to be defeated in front of their hometown
crowd. They took the next kickoff and McKay drove the team down the field like
he had been playing for years. They
drove down to the Miner’s seven but were held there and Charlie Cox had to kick
a field goal. The drive set the tone for the Cougars, though, they continued to
play like a well oiled machine and the game went back and forth between the two
teams. The half ended with the score 14-10 Miners. Scoring for the Cougars was
tight end Shamus McKean and both scores for the Miners were by Dingle. In the
second half both teams battled up and down the field but the third quarter was
scoreless, not until the halfway through the fourth quarter did the Miners
score again with a center plunge by fullback, Gerald Hines. Then, with only two
minutes left, McKay started a drive on his own 35 and with a brilliant display
of short passes, runs and a very impressive display of pose and grit he took
the team down to the Miner’s five. Then with what has to be one of the seasons
best plays called by Coach Burkowitz, McKay dropped back and looked over the
middle, looking for Walker crossing. Walker was covered but McKean was running
the same route but deeper in the end zone. McKay faked to Walker and then
tossed a floater to a wide open McKean for the score. Cox kicked the extra
point as the game ended.
“Joey was just
terrific today, I was very proud of him as well as the rest of the team. They
just went out a played a great game, the best game of the season. It was very
exciting and I just can’t say enough about that team and that young kid,
McKay,” said Burkowitz after the game.
Even though the
Cougars did not repeat as league champs this year they did better than most
people expected. They were able to win some very exciting games and their
losses were hard fought. Quarterback Sam Jones is expected to return next year
as a senior but he may have some competition from the young but talented Joey
Robert Wagner (D) is elected as mayor of New York City. Another
Democrat, Robert Meyner, gets the nod as governor by votes in New Jersey. Both
positions are currently being held by Republicans.
For the first time, NBC transmits the first color telecast from New York
to the west coast via a 4000-mile closed circuit. General David Sarnoff,
chairman of the boards of RCA and NBC also announces that his engineers have
achieved magnetic recordings of TV programs both in black and white and in
color. The transmissions showed how color TV’s could receive black and white
broadcasts as well. Transmitted was a bouquet of flowers in all of their color
majesty. Next, Nanette Fabre and dancers from the “hit parade” show. The demonstration
was shown to 1000 in Burbank.
In Cleveland, Mrs. Blanche Braden upon hearing a blast in the cellar
suddenly saw a ball of flame appear to tell her “get the kids out.” “I couldn’t
tell what it was but it came toward me and my husband’s voice came out.” Her
husband, Edwin Braden was trying to start the furnace with kerosene or
gasoline. He stumbled into the living room, setting it on fire; then stumbled
into the back yard. A neighbor beat out flames in his clothing, but the father
of three perished.
Actor George Sanders sues Zsa Zsa Gabor for divorce... After 8 months,
singer Peggy Lee (32) is granted a divorce from Actor Brad Dexter (35).
At the movies this week–
The Joe Louis Story - Paul Stewart, Hilda Simms
How To Marry A Millionaire – Marilyn Monroe, Betty Grable, Lauren Bacall
Mogambo -
Clark Gable, Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly
So Big -
Jane Wyman, Sterling Hayden, Nancy Olsen
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