Friday, July 5, 2013



Thursday, July 2, 1953   Vol. C238



East Farewell – The town is gearing up for a huge Fourth of July celebration coming this weekend. Tomorrow night, July 3rd, there will be a Main Street Stroll featuring all the restaurants and stores staying open until 10:00 PM or later so people can wander through the town and sit for a bit  in the decidedly Parisian flavor of decked out cafes and bistros. On Saturday there will be a parade down Main Street and a Travelers home game. Saturday evening is when the fun really begins.  There will be a Lakefront Plaza concert and open picnic starting at 6:00PM. The concert will feature local favorite and national band leader, Gus Templeton and his orchestra. Along with Templeton, jazzman Gus Sloan with his five piece jazz band will add some great music. The joint will get really jumping when Big Roy and the Magnificents perform their rhythm and blues set.  After the sun sets the fire department plans to set off the largest fireworks display the town has ever seen.  They have cleared an area behind the Plaza as a staging area for the setting off the display.  The trajectory will take the fireworks out over the lake and should be excellent viewing form almost anywhere on the lake.  Many folks with lakefront properties are planning smaller, private parties for the event.  All are welcome to the Plaza party.  

Lakefront Plaza at sunset



Youngstown – The Travelers were unable end their road trip on a winning note when they lost to the Youngtown Steelers 6-3 last week.  Thankfully they open an extended home stand this Saturday.  They are playing much better at home than on the road. They have not lost at home this season but have only won two out of four on the road. 
The Steelers are leading the league and came out swinging scoring two quick runs in the first, the first was a one pitch blast by Frank Walker. That was followed by a double by Dave O’Hara and a sacrifice by Swanson rattled starter Billy Green. The Travelers struck back in the second with a three run homer by Johnny Cloos who is leading the league in dingers. Unfortunately, that was all the Travelers could get on the board.  The Steelers went on to score two more off Green and then two in the eighth off reliever, Tommy Long.
The Travelers are coming home on Saturday with an afternoon game against the Erie Eagles. The game starts at 1:30 at the new ballpark.   



Prime Minister Winston Churchill is told by a doctor to get a complete rest of at least a month, thereby forcing the Big Three to postpone their Bermuda conference.

The city of Yuma, Ariz. (population 20,000) runs out of water in 115-degree heat after a break in a water main kept the city from replenishing the water in the reservoir tank. Warnings were broadcast to turn off all swamp coolers because some equipment could cause a fire hazard unless supplied with water.

Summer wear for men - during the hot summer when you feel like opening your shirt collar at every opportunity, no tie is more practical than the clip-on bow ... Cuff Links have never been more popular and some of the best are being made from old buttons so guys, look around

Did you know - Dance man Arthur Murray has donated a total of 322 television sets to hospitals.


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