Thursday, September 27, 2012



Thursday, September 25, 1952   Vol. C115



East Farewell- A major storm ripped through town on Monday and Tuesday causing widespread property damage and devastating the entire Lake Front Fun Pier.  Luckily there were no reports of personal injury.  The storm unleashed its fury Monday morning and continued through the day and night into Tuesday afternoon when it subsided.  It left a swath of destruction in it path.  There were several businesses on Main Street that suffered broken windows from high winds and wind-blown objects.  The Hardware store had its front window smashed and the Lost Oasis Bar & Grill suffered substantial roof damage.  The worst damage, though, was to the Lake Front Fun Pier on Lake Charles.  Initial estimates are 90% to 95% total destruction.  The pier has been in operation since 1948 and was the center of the summer entertainment for many years.  Many of the kiddie rides were ruined. The magnificent carousel, which was manufactured in Philadelphia and transported here in pieces by train, was severely damaged.  The beautiful 50 foot high Ferris Wheel was thankfully and surprisingly spared.  Only its mechanical parts suffered some damage.  “We plan to begin rebuilding immediately,” said Sam Lendel, owner.  “This is a tragedy for the whole town as well as my business, but I vow to rebuild the Pier bigger and better than before.  I am just glad there were no injuries.”
The businesses in town voiced similar resolve.  “We plan to put a new roof on starting next week, once we clean up the water damage inside.  We already have a tarp over it so not as to get any more water on the inside,” said Charles Wenz, owner of the Lost Oasis Bar & Grill.  Up and down Main Street the response was similar.  The town seems ready to pull together and move forward. It looks like this storm will go down in history as the storm of the century.  



East Farewell- Johnny Cloos, injured star outfielder for the East Farewell Travelers delivered a stirring pep talk to the team as they prepared for a critical game against Corning last week.  Even thought his injury will keep him out for the rest of the season he was able to rally the team with a five minute galvanizing speech  the contents of which remain in the locker room and confidential to the team.  Nevertheless, speaking with team members after the game there is no doubt that the talk had a very positive effect on the team.  The Travelers went out to close down Cedar Creek in both games. 
Joe Nagy pitched another gem in the first, retiring 12 straight from the fourth to the eighth and allowing only five hits and two runs.  The final score was Travelers 8, Cedar Creek 2.   The scoring came from the usual suspects; Bobby Watson doubled in the third, Big Bob Tilman who replaced Johnny Cloos in center, drove him home with a single, Tony Dimero and Joey Brown both singled and Billy Sweet brought them all home with his second grand slam of the year. 
In the eighth Francis singled and Dunham advanced him on a sacrifice.  Watson tripled this at bat, driving in Francis and once again Big Bob Tilman came through with a double. To finish off the scoring, Tony Dimero hit his 24th home run, bringing in Tilman.
           It was feared the Cedar Creek winning streak and the poor performance by the Travelers last week would make this a closer series.  That was not o be as Danny Lane came on in the second game and made short work of the Cedar Creek nine.  He pitched a superb game allowing only 8 hits scattered through nine innings.  Cedar Creek was unable to capitalize on any of the hits as they left 13 runners on base, never scoring.  The Travelers won the second game 3-0.  Scoring was led by Joey Brown and Artie Archibald each hitting homeruns in the second and eighth.  
          The Travelers will face Corning next week for what is presumed to be the title matchup.  Statistically the Travelers only need one win to clinch the title but Corning could tie for first place with a sweep of the series.  Both games will be played at night in Corning on Friday and Saturday.



 Pas De Calais- Florence Chadwick establishes world history after she swims the Catalina Channel in the record-breaking time of 13 hours, 47 minutes - the first woman to have crossed both the English and Catalina Channels.
Philadelphia - Undefeated Rocky Marciano knocks out Jersey Joe Walcott to become the world heavyweight champ.

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