Thursday, November 30, 2017



Friday, November 29. 1957   Vol. C648



East Farewell - The 10th annual Thanksgiving Day parade strutted down Main Street on Thanksgiving Day, yesterday. Led by the Regional High School Marching Band the parade started in the High School parking lot and marched down Lake Shore Drive wound up Main Street and ended in front of Boyle’s Department Store where it delivered Santa Claus to open the East Farewell Christmas season. This year a new twist on Santa’s delivery to the store was having Santa climb up a ladder from the new extension ladder fire truck that has been acquired by the East Farewell Fire Department. The gleaming red and white vehicle with the enormous silver ladder was able to extend from the center of Main Street to the second floor of Boyle’s to a specially constructed balcony where Santa with his pack full of toys was able to climb right in and through the specially designed windows/doors and take his place on his Christmas chair that resembled a very comfortable overstuffed easy chair that was also available in the furniture department. Santa was surrounded by his elves and Christmas dressed salespeople who helped him with his enormous sack full of toys. This year Mrs. Clause did not accompany Santa into Boyles. The original story was that she was remaining at the North Pole to take care of the baking chores. That story was amended when Mrs. Clause joined Santa during the halftime show at the football game. The final story was Mrs. Clause was held up by bad weather at the North Pole.
            The 10th year of the Thanksgiving Day parade was magical as grand Marshall and prime organizer, Charles Boyle said after Santa’s delivery, “this is one of the premier events the town has ever had. People come from far and wide to experience the Boyles Thanksgiving day parade and we are very grateful for everyone’s enthusiastic participation.”
This year the Regional High School Marching Band led the parade where in past years they have been the last to march. The change was made at the school administration level because the Pep Band that usually leads off the parade had too many members come down with a severe case of the flu and was unable to field enough members to make the parade. It was an unfortunate and extremely disappointing circumstance. But the other participants in the parade enthusiastically marched. This group included the fabulous Dancing Super Strutters from Central, the VFW Vets in full dress uniform, the ever popular Slate Mountain String Band, the Flat Rock Twirlers with their lighted batons brought cheers from the crowd and the East Farewell Volunteer Fire Company with its new ladder and new pumper engine carried Santa to Boyles. Santa rode on the back of ladder engine instead of his traditional sled this year to show off the new fire engine.

            The crowds this year set another record for attendance in spite of the fact that this year the parade was held on Thanksgiving Day as opposed to a weekend like last year. That decision was made by the parade committee with the thought that people would have Thanksgiving Day off since it is a national holiday and the committee felt that the holiday might contribute to the tradition of the parade. Either way the town’s economy got a big boost because many of the crowd from out of town said they would be staying for the entire weekend, including Friday. This was great news for all businesses in town creating a three-day shopping extravaganza. As always the parade was a huge success and once again went off without a hitch.

1957 Santa at Boyles



East Farewell - The annual “Gimmick Game” took place on Thanksgiving Day this year in an unusual scheduling variation that set the usually raucous and fun filled game as the next to the last game of the season but moved it to the holiday and did not make it the Homecoming game. The thinking was perhaps this could become a new tradition since both Fort Lee and Regional High always play this game very loosely thanks to the friendship between the coaches. It is always scheduled towards the end of the season and is usually not considered important in the standings for either team.
This year’s game was consistent with earlier games, there was no consistency whatsoever. If either coach had a game plan it was well disguised. Each play appeared to be an individual attempt at showing the most outrageous pranks a football team could pull off while staying within the rules and not hurting anyone on the field. The shenanigans started with the coin toss where usually only the captains of each team and the referees are in the center of the field this year both entire benches flooded the field for the coin toss and what appeared to be a democratic vote the Cougars chose heads by a wide margin. The flip was tales. The Cougars kicked off and as Dave Galloway approached the ball running back Joey Neil jumped in front of him to kick an onsides kick for the start of the game. The Captains were caught off guard but not completely unprepared. The Captains had placed two of their best receivers on either side of the front line just in case. Captain’s wide receiver Vince Snyder grabbed the bouncing ball, attempted to move it forward but was immediately tackled on the Captains 45. The Captains then embarked on a wild and wacky offensive drive that included several double reverses a fake handoff/screen pass and three long bomb attempts to Snyder. Each of the long passes fell incomplete and rolled into the Cougars end zone. The Cougars took over after a fake field goal attempt from the 30 and started their own show with quarterback Billy Dolan acting as the master of ceremonies. The Cougars ran many of their now infamous prank plays like the Statue of Liberty play and the halfback run/pass play. They were equally frustrated by only being able to move the ball down to the Captains 25 yard line where they to attempted, unsuccessfully, a fake field goal. The wildness continued with each team trying many different wild plays and both teams taking the crazy attempts in stride. It wasn’t until five minutes into the third quarter that the Cougars were able to break the ice with a combination end run/lateral to fullback Robbie Blackman as he blasted in to the Captains end zone behind a blocking Dolan and Riley. Surprisingly, Galloway kicked the extra point without any trickery. The Cougars looked like they had the game all sewed up when they drove down and kicked a field goal at the end of the third quarter to make the score 10-0 in their favor. Captains coach Chuck King was not going to roll over, though. He was able to direct his squad through a wonderful assortment of fakes short passes and solid runs to score in the first two minutes of the fourth quarter. While the Cougars attempted to add to their lead a series of fumbles, which were to be expected in this environment, led to the Captains controlling the ball on the Cougars 15 yard line. With only one minute left in the game the Captains kicker, Sal Anthony was able to drive the ball through the uprights to tie to score. The game ended in a tie and a five minute sudden-death overtime was agreed to by the coaches. After a scoreless five minutes an additional five minutes or, technically, a second overtime was added. Finally, after the second overtime elapsed with the score still tied at 10-10 the game was declared a tie. Both teams met in the middle of the field shook hands, laughed and joked with each other while both coaches embraced and slapped each other on the back, shook hands and enjoyed the wonderful moment.
The Cougars will take on the Southport Hawks next week in the last game of the season. The game will be played at home and will begin at 1:30 on Saturday.



President Eisenhower, snapping back from a recent mild stroke, presides over a Cabinet meeting and then hits some golf balls on the White House lawn. He also told Congressional leaders of both parties that the U.S. defense spending will approach 40 billion dollars next year to meet the Soviet threat - a $2 billion boost in defense funds. On one more issue he asked for discretionary power to turn over U.S. atomic weapons secrets to foreign governments.

CBS, NBC and ABC issue directives saying they will not accept or present subliminal advertising in any form. Subliminal advertising is still in the experimental stage. The FCC has said it would undertake a study of subliminal perception as soon as possible and take such action is it deems warranted. Subliminal Projections Inc. - a company promoting the system, says it will work with the FCC.

ABC says it is experimenting with its New York station - WABC with a new compatible AM transmission - one that eliminates both sidebands and places much of the audio on to one side band (single sideband). This would reduce interference in the fringe areas where sky wave and ground waves collide, causing distortion.

Many, many thanks to for contributing to this section of the East Farewell News.

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