Thursday, May 25, 2017



Thursday, May 23, 1957   Vol. C621



East Farewell – The ninth annual Spring Fair took place over the weekend and was, as usual, a big hit. The Fair has come to include a whole weekend of events. On Friday night there was the hugely popular Main Street Stroll where what seemed like their entire town strolled through town in the evening. They gaily greeted each other, shopped in stores that were gladly opened by their merchants much later than usual and dined at the restaurants that had set up outside tables with festive lighting and snappy tablecloths. Many people commented on the similarity of Main Street to a famous Parisian street even if they had never been to Paris. On Saturday the Fun Pier opened its doors and a midway was setup on the Lakefront Plaza as large crowds flocked to the fair-like atmosphere. Most of the crowd moved down to the Ball Park to watch the Travelers take on the Albany Senators and on Sunday the Midway and Fun Pier reopened and everyone enjoyed a wonderful day by the lake and on the Tilt-A-Whirl and Carousel.

Main Street Stroll - 1957



East Farewell – The Travelers added to the excitement of the Spring Fair events when they handed the Albany Senators their fifth loss on Saturday night, 5-1. The night game was a sold out affair attended by mostly by loyal Traveler fans coming from the hugely successful Spring Fair that opened the Fun Pier and offered sidewalk dining along Main Street. Most of the crowd was in a very festive mood and cheered the Travelers on with gusto. The Travelers did not disappoint the crowd by starting off with two runs in the first. A quick single for Dunham turned into a two run lead when Johnny Cloos send his tenth homer over the left field wall. The Senators tried to get back in the game with a strong fourth inning with two hits back to back by Franks and Doyle a rare wild pitch by Joe Nagy advanced both runners and a Texas league single by Sanders brought Franks in. Nagy then settled down and struck out the side, leaving Doyle and Sanders stranded. That was the only real threat the Senators were able to generate. Except for that inning Nagy was in strong form harking back to his perfect performance at the end of last season. He was able to strike out eight and only walk four. The Travelers were able to turn two double plays and tamp out any possible crowd disappointment. The Travelers went on to score two more runs in the sixth with the bottom of the order, Brown and Archibald both singled and were brought home by a clean double by leadoff hitter, Ralph Francis. They sealed the outcome with a solo homer by Bobby Watson to bring the final to 5-1.
            The Travelers are back on the road next week as they travel to Bear Creek to meet the Cubs for the first time this year. The game begins at 1:30 on Saturday afternoon.



Sen. Irving Ives (R-NY) says the administration’s civil rights bill “is the victim of a quiet southern filibuster” within the Senate Judiciary Committee. Ives said he still is hopeful that the bill will emerge from the Judiciary Committee and be brought to a vote in the Senate before Congress adjourns.

President Eisenhower suffers a first-round defeat in the military budget battle when the House rejects an attempt to restore $80 million of the pared-down Army appropriation.

In A Gallup Poll - Americans who see a major war/conflict within the next five years is the lowest it has been since 1950 - up to 57%

Another Elvis - or the closest thing could be Ricky Nelson (17), who for the past few years has been seen with his family on “Ozzie and Harriet” on ABC-TV. But recently, something happened. Not long ago on the show, he did an Elvis imitation. The show carried tens of thousands of ohs and ahs from teens across the nation.  Record companies began bidding for Rick to record a song. He accepted an offer from Verve and recorded “I’m Walking.” The record was released April 10 and has sold some 500,000 copies. Rick is delighted. He says the only prior singing was around the piano with his family and friends. Rick graduates next month from Hollywood High School and may follow his brother David into USC. But, says Ricky - “I’d rather just sing - a am not crazy about school.” He says he’d like to take a small combo and tour the country this summer, singing in one-night stands. He says he’s a great admirer of Elvis Presley, When they met he said Presley began quizzing him on show business, “I was the old timer.”

New York City mayor Robert Wagner says the city will not be “blackjacked” and is meeting with Dodger’s owner Walter F. O’Malley to keep the team in the city. He’ll do the same with Giant’s owners. Wagner restated the city’s determination to do “everything within reason” to keep the Giants and Dodgers here. The Mayor’s move comes less than 24 hours after the National League had authorized the clubs to move to the West Coast if they desired. Los Angeles wants the Dodgers as does San Francisco and the Giants. Both cities are now represented in the Pacific Coast League.

Jackie Gleason sells all 39 episodes of the filmed “Honeymooners” series to CBS Films for $1.5 million. The shows aired over the 1955-1956 season on CBS-TV. Buick financed production of the films under an agreement made with Jackie Gleason Enterprises in 1954. Buick paid the company $2,535,000 for the series of 39 plus $422,500 to repeat 13 of the shows last summer. After Buick sponsored the shows, they became the property of Jackie Gleason’s company.  CBS Films will syndicate the series on a station-by-station basis.

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